COBOT: the Album

You're the second person that tells me that, I'll have to check them out. I liked the vocals of the new Norther guy so I guess I will like imperanon too.
Ok I now figured out how to do tempo changes in Sony ACID Pro:lol:

Send me your midis (preferably GP files if you have tempo changes) and i'll make you a drumtrack! :)
Dave, jeg er recording nå. You can put me in yellow :)

btw, what's going on with all the people who are still listed as composing? Are you guys still participating?
Dave, go ahead and change me name to The Butt/COCOB, since he's doing the recording of guitars for me anyways. :lol: And we be in yellow, matey.
Maybe we should get one deadline extension or something then. :/

Because I'm also a bit anxious and unsettled regarding this deadline. I still have to get my neighbor to record the bass... and now he wants creative input and wants to "spruce up" the bass. Yes I know you're a blues player but this is a thrash song so just play what I wrote you fucking dick :lol:
Weeeeell, just in case anyone missed it I'll report my status atm:

-My song is completely recorded, just waiting for mix, master and title :lol:

-The Butt's song (I recorded all guitars, but he wrote everything) has now all guitars recorded and the drums done too, so I guess it's waiting for bass and vocals and will be done.

@Flappy: come on dude!
I wouldn't mind an extension. But I'm sure if I put the effort into it, I could have it done by Sunday. Altho I have so much other shit going on, it's hard to do. I'm only getting like 3-4 hours of sleep a night. so fucking tired right now.

edit: ok, nevermind. I'm all for that extension.
Myea I still have to get 1 backing track + I have to start recording. Might be able to do it but it would be quite rushed since I also have to learn for my exams.
Well maybe, but if we don't let them record we'll have more like a COBOT EP than an album :lol. What will it be, Lowberg, Dave, The Butt, you and me?

Yo Dave, what do we do? And btw, how are you doing with yours?

Also, if we're to extend the deadline I suggest not making a long extension, only between 3 and 7 days, and only one. Remember how the other time we started doing extensions again and again and many complained about it? Plus I at least have been kinda excited for the ''release'' and I wouldn't like it to be Chinese-Democracy alike like last time if possible. What I do ask for and I think is the least that can be done is that, if we extend it, everybody DOES finish their songs, no matter what. I've been sleeping 2-4 hours for a week to get The Butt's song recorded on time (he sent it to me less than a week ago and I had it already done yesterday) and study at the same time, so not that I want such shit for you, but it'd suck that I've done that for no reason.
Well maybe, but if we don't let them record we'll have more like a COBOT EP than an album :lol. What will it be, Lowberg, Dave, The Butt, you and me?

Yo Dave, what do we do? And btw, how are you doing with yours?

I haven't stated recording my computer lags every time i record. If i want to record i'll have to reformat my comp.
My song is complete: Vocals and bass added, completely mixed, everything. I will send it to you, Dave, once I can upload 'er to Sendspace. And I just wanted to publicly thank COCOB again for doing all this shit. He's been a fucking lifesaver for the record. :lol:

My name can go green now. :p
ok, I know. I feel really bad asking for that extension. I just got another paper added on for things to do this weekend, BUT, I will try to finish this. especially since The Butt finished his already, I wouldn't want the extension just for the sake of myself. Also, Jose, I totally understand that you've been waiting. I'll do my best, but I might not be able to play the solo in time. We'll see if my song makes it. Also, I'm kinda nervous about the 2nd solo, which Delanoir is supposed to do, but hasn't replied when I asked him about his toneport....but I'm sure Lowberg will do the solo for me in case Delanoir doesn't pull through.
I have no idea who is not done or anything.

Just remember that I can help you guys with these things:

-Programmed drums (they sound pretty decent)
-Effects to tha song liek, THUNDAH! Just pm me :lol:

Oh and Twisha, if Lowberg should by any chance have taken too many lowberg-rolls/lowburgers, I can also do it. :)

We need a kickass album art!

Oh and I think my song could be track number one:D It's liek, TOTALLY COBOT:oops: