Come up with a reason that would not make Opeth the greatest band in the world

BreathingShadow said:
haha yeah right
No, Porcupine Tree > Opeth in variety, lyrics, seamless blending of styles, and songwriting.

Hypnos said:
Opeth is not the best band in the world because (imho):

- the made three mediocre albums in a row (BWP, D1, D2)
- have some really mediocre (FoM, TGC) and crappy (Hours Of Wealth, Weakness) songs
- they lost the eerie atmosphere after MAYH
- their last output was really incoherent, containing some of their best tracks (Baying, GoP) but also some of their worst (Atonement, Hours Of Wealth, TGC)
- tend to loose direction in their songs, 'overbreak' them (BRI)
- some parts of the songs sound very similar
BWP is not mediocre nor is Damnation. Deliverance is the only one of those that could even be argued to be mediocre because of all the boring riffs (beginning of Master's Apprentices and beginning of Wreath for example)
Face of Melinda is excellent, not mediocre, and TGC is underrated. Hours of Wealth and Weakness are mediocre, not crappy.
Umm....Still Life and Blackwater Park have just as eerie an atmosphere as the early stuff, if not more. Of course this is totally a matter of opinion.
It wasn't incoherent. It hung together quite well.
"Overbreak" is not a word so whatever. BRI rules.
So? That's the case with lots of bands. Practically all in fact.

opeth_353 said:
boooo Jimmy Page boooooo
yayyyy mikael akerfeldt yayyyy

...see.. the crowd love Mike.. Jimmy loses
"Jimmy Page knows more about music and musical theory than Mike A."
To be a good musician you have to know theory???? hahaha...that was seriously the lamest argue so far... you can still be a shitty musician even though you know all of theory... And you can also be the most genious musician even though you dont know mutch about theory...
The Last with Pagan Blood said:
Seriuosly dude Opeth is ok but there boring. There new video is dumb his riffs dont blend well toegther. Jimmy Page knows more about music and musical theory than Mike A. Opeth is an ok band i dont mind them . But Jimmy Page is one of the all time gretest guitarist. Your to stuck on Opeth to realize that. Just becasue you dont like Jimmy Page or Led Zeppelin doesnt mean there not good.

Oh shit.
Seriously, if you had even listened to the new album, or paid attention to anything that has been spoken in this forum, you would know that the song in the video is a crappy edited version of a song that is considered widely as one of Opeth's weakest tracks, and anyway doesn't represent their usual style at all. And believe me, I have listened to Led Zeppelin and IMO they were far less capable of creating working yet diverse songs/albums and performing them. And WTF has knowing musical theory have to do with being great? It sounds to me that you're too much of a Jimmy Page fan to even listen to Opeth properly (obviously) before judging them as being worse. Well, that's your opinion anyway and I'm not trying to have you change it, but you shouldn't flame people for not "realizing" the "greatness" of JP. Okay, maybe I'm done now. :)
Mumblefood said:
Opeth is a great, great band, and one of my favorites (THE favorite for half a decade), but there are simply things they cannot do. The thing is, there may not be a "single" band who does everything better than them, in fact, i doubt it. BUT, there are bands who do certain things better, and that's what stops me from putting on the opeth praise so thick. They aren't the best at atmosphere, they aren't the best at creating cohesive albums (though they are good at that), they aren't the most melodic band, they aren't a lot of things. That's why i get so confused when someone acts like a certain band is the best thing to happen to music, and everything else is inferior.


i dislike when people ask for comments, i give them, and they reply to everyone else but me. Maybe i'm just conceited.
You're all running in circles

Someone define what the criteria are for something to be "the greatest band"

Then this thread will mean something
The Evil Toucan said:
Ok, let's hear it. Who does melodic atmospheric metal better than Opeth?

I never said anything about metal. I don't know why a band simply has to be good at their own genre to be considered an all-round title. But since you asked, some that could be considered better, depending on what exactly you are looking for would be Isis, Novembre, Drudkh, Moonsorrow, or Enslaved.
I can answer...If almost everything they did was not perfect, people would not have the respect they have...cause the thing about opeth is that everything they do, they do perfectly...and i do not exaggerate. Opeth are very melodic, and they even do it originally, not like In flames or Iron maiden. Only because they dont have a solo every couple of minutes doesnt mean they arent melodic... And why could not a pure death metal band be the most genious band in the world? They hardly have any lead melodies.
I think that if they were anymore "melodic, atmospheric and so on" they would not be as good...they know their limits.
HaloPhenomenon said:
I can answer...If almost everything they did was not perfect, people would not have the respect they have...cause the thing about opeth is that everything they do, they do perfectly...and i do not exaggerate. Opeth are very melodic, and they even do it originally, not like In flames or Iron maiden. Only because they dont have a solo every couple of minutes doesnt mean they arent melodic... And why could not a pure death metal band be the most genious band in the world? They hardly have any lead melodies.
I think that if they were anymore "melodic, atmospheric and so on" they would not be as good...they know their limits.

I think you're not quite getting my point. There can't be a single best band in the world, and it's strange to try to decide on which one gets the title. Opeth are very good at what they do, but they don't do everything, and i need to look other places for music than Opeth to get what i want a lot of the time. Though they simply CAN'T do everything, because it doesn't work. That's why i say no band can be the best. I'm not sure what you mean by "not as good" anyway, how do you know they couldn't release a bitchin ambient album? how do you know they couldn't create a moving string quartet? furthermore, if they can't, that's proof that you just can't have a band that's the "best". Too many variables, too many moods, too many styles of music... there simply cannot be a band who does it all and can satiate all my musical desires. :)
Well i agree on the fact that it´s possible to be even more variating and better than opeth...But non i have ever heard...maybe in 20years or so :)... The only artist i personally think would be able to compeat with opeth are: Tenhi, PT & Paatos...But then again, i havent heard everything. And i am pretty sure that many think yes, king krimson or camel....But in my opinnion, none of those beat opeth.
I still don't think being diverse is the key. I think trying to be the "best band ever" is a lost cause. My favorite bands are "niche" bands, that fill their own space, do their own thing, and aren't really too worried about being diverse. Which suits me fine. I don't need a single band to do everything... spreading your efforts like that is dangerous, too easy to lose the vision and instead of doing one thing good, end up doing 20 things badly.