Compositional mixtape

Serjeant Grumbles

Active Member
Mar 20, 2005
I have a new idea for a mixtape. Now, some may argue that we’ve got quite enough going on as it is with three games going, but, hear me out. Rather than focusing on common lyrical themes, this one will be about common compositional attributes. Here are a few examples:

1) Scale or mode: Fairly straightforward, but don’t do anything obscure like the enigmatic scale.
2) Chord progression: But not something like the i-VI-VII progression – that poses the opposite problem in being way too commonplace in metal.
3) Time signature: Something not overly common, like 5/4 or 7/4, but not too uncommon, like 21/4 or the like.
4) Instruments or effects incorporated: A good example would be use of the ominous bell toll, as that can be found across a variety of metal genres.
5) Anything else you can think of, as long as it's not something too narrow or too broad.

Now, as initiator of this game, I deem that the theme of the first round shall be the Phrygian Dominant Scale. However, Rainbow – Gates of Babylon is ineligible since it already won in the main game and it would be pretty boring if it won twice. Some of you might tell me that the song is actually in the double harmonic minor scale, but I don’t think so - there’s just a little mode mixture going on. However, it would be double ineligible, were that the case.
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Hmm interesting. I wonder if we have enough music nerds here to get this. I can think of a few examples for Phrygian Dominant actually, it's a fairly common scale in dramatic music. Do you want only metal?

[EDIT] Because this scale is awesome in flamenco style stuff
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I should hope so, since I expect that people should at least be able to recognize the scale when they hear it. The wikipedia link I gave does have an audio file demonstrating the scale. I want this game to be just popular enough to be viable, but not to become so popular that a new theme becomes filled with submissions after a mere three hours. I'd prefer that people have a chance to participate in the game on the basis of familiarity with some basic music theory than on the basis of being online at the right time. But, I certainly don't want any esoteric, advanced shit being used as a topic, which I delineated in some of the potential categories. Plus, it's not all music theory stuff; you could do songs with a "fake fadeout" as a topic.

I'm not going to say only metal is allowed. I encourage mostly metal submissions, but anything else is welcome. Just don't do any themes that have little to no use within metal, like the 50's doo-wop chord progression.
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I should hope so, since I expect that people should at least be able to recognize the scale when they hear it. The wikipedia link I gave does have an audio file demonstrating the scale. I want this game to be just popular enough to be viable, but not to become so popular that a new theme becomes filled with submissions after a mere three hours. I'd prefer that people have a chance to participate in the game on the basis of familiarity with some basic music theory than on the basis of being online at the right time. But, I certainly don't want any esoteric, advanced shit being used as a topic, which I delineated in some of the potential categories. Plus, it's not all music theory stuff; you could do songs with a "fake fadeout" as a topic.

I'm not going to say only metal is allowed. I encourage mostly metal submissions, but anything else is welcome. Just don't do any themes that have little to no use within metal, like the 50's doo-wop chord progression.

Ok then I stick with my submission. I think it features the scale prominently and is a quality lesser known piece by famous musicians.
I'm game as fuck. I'm pretty bored of the other ones, and actually planned on doing scale as a theme if I ever won, which I won't, so thanks.

I think as GM you should probably screen entries to make sure they fit, lest St Vitus wins a harmonic minor round.
I might participate in this in the future, but I think I'm involved in mixtapes enough right now. I might still rate it, if that's okay.
Also, man, Serjeant Grumbles change your fucking avatar, its killing me

Killing you with laughter or horror? This avatar is a classic throwback to my Gauntlet days; it was my avatar there for a at one point circa 2006. I haven't even been able to find it anymore using google search, and the only reason I have it now is because I retrieved it from my old laptop. Therefore, it's going to sticking around for little while longer.

I don't see this working. How many people here know music theory? You could try this is the musician's discussion lounge, but it'll probably take about 4 years to do one round.

I'm not expecting people to know advanced shit; in fact, I don't even think chord progressions are a good idea, come to think of it. However, I expect people should recognize the Phrygian Dominant Scale when they hear it. That main riff in the aforementioned Rainbow song, Gates of Babylon, is a good example of its use, as it's often used for a Middle-eastern feel. Here is a simple demonstration of just the scale itself:

Once you know what it sounds like, you can look for a song that uses it.

I'm game as fuck. I'm pretty bored of the other ones, and actually planned on doing scale as a theme if I ever won, which I won't, so thanks.

I think as GM you should probably screen entries to make sure they fit, lest St Vitus wins a harmonic minor round.

I already have a couple submissions, so, if you do have a song that fits, then by all means, submit it. I would at least like to see how many people I can actually get in on the game. I may have to retool it anyway to make it viable, but nothing is certain as of yet.
I could submit things that sound Middle-Eastern/Egyptian to me, but I'd have no way of knowing if it was actually in that scale or some similar other scale. Like, I can't hear a guy play a scale on a piano and automatically go "Oh yeah metal song X has riffs that uses exactly those notes but not necessarily in that order, I'll submit that". I'll submit something anyways and you guys can downrate it if it's wrong cuz at least it might be educational.
I already picked the best song that I know of which uses that scale in the Ancient History theme, so I don't know what else I would even pick if I was going to play again.
I could submit things that sound Middle-Eastern/Egyptian to me, but I'd have no way of knowing if it was actually in that scale or some similar other scale. Like, I can't hear a guy play a scale on a piano and automatically go "Oh yeah metal song X has riffs that uses exactly those notes but not necessarily in that order, I'll submit that". I'll submit something anyways and you guys can downrate it if it's wrong cuz at least it might be educational.

It's on me to screen out invalid entries before they make it to the list. If you aren't sure, just say which riff in the song seems to be using that scale.
I'll try to. Haven't even submitted for this one, I've been super busy lately and just want bullshit casual talk. Fucking tax season.
I'm scrapping this theme, as I've only received two submissions thus far from @Baroque and @Caecius :

An Evening With John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess - Furia Taurina
Iron Maiden - Powerslave

The opening riff is kind of a combo of regular Phrygian and Phryg Dom, in that it incorporates C5 as opposed to C#5 as a passing chord. Still counts, though.

I've added a few more songs to make a rudimentary playlist:

Sig:Ar:Tyr - Midwinter Sacrifice
Candlemass - Well of Souls
Solitude Aeturnus - Scent of Death
Amorphis - The Castaway

You can listen to it if you want, but I sure as shit don't expect anyone to rate it.

I'm not saying that categories 1 and 2 as described in the OP are off limits now, but actually using themes in that category is ill-advised.

I think that the third category, odd time signatures, could still be used. In any case, there are only a few different ones that can be used before we'd be left with the weirder ones that aren't really viable. It should go without saying that if the theme is, say, 7/4 time, that any septuple meter, such as 7/2, 7/8, 7/16, is fair game.

However, the new theme - one that I mentioned in the OP as an example - is Bells. Bathory - Raise the Dead is not a good example, as I'm looking for stuff that incorporates bell effects into the song itself, as opposed to playing a sample of bells chiming as a lead-in to the song. Just saying. You could find a more apt Bathory song if that's what you're looking for.