Compositional mixtape

Taramis - Sub-standard trad metal straight out of Northcote. only joking, l remember watching these guys open for Sepultura on the Arise tour in Melbourne in 1992. They were pretty shit. They still sound pretty shit. Nice bells tho 5/10

Iron Maiden - l prefer the first 3 albums over 90% of their later output so this is Maiden at their finest to me. Can't knock it. 8/10

Pestilence - Their finest hour? Many would say Testimony but l disagree. This tune and this album, along with Malleus Maleficarum was Pestilence at their dirtiest brutal best 8/10

Hexentanz - l can appreciate this for what it is as its got a good evil vibe with the theme well represented. l would play this with a bottle of Red and a good book no problem. 7/10

Paradise Lost - Doom done doomlier, doomiest?, doomer that the rest. l don't think this album has ever got the kudos it deserves. 8/10

l had submitted three times to Serjeant before my pick was appropriate but, by judging what else peps put up l dont feel such a cock. ha
good stuff
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Taramis - The Chosen - 5
guy sounds like a dweeb

Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name - 10
is there even a choice

Pestilence - Chronic Infection - 8
great instruments but don't like the hoarse screamo vox

Hexentanz - Mark of the Witch - 6
pretty terrifying but more like a theme park attraction than a song

Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise/Rotting Misery - 7
crushing gloom and doom
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So Martin van Drunen, one of the most unique and unhinged death metal vocalists ever is now a screamo vocalist? What the hell Arg?

Also Sirjack, I don't know of many people that would take Testimony of the Ancients over Consuming Impulse. The latter is regarded as a death classic pretty much everywhere.
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hmm Testimony came out around the same time as Human, Necroticism, Blessed, Effigy, Like an Ever Flowing Stream etc l think there's plenty of people who lump those albums in with those artists' best work. l don't agree on most but you get my point?
l kinda said that didn't l?
not screamo the genre but he really is screaming more than growling ya know what i mean
Taramis - The Chosen

Bells not evident enough. Cool song, just a shame it's not bell worship. Bells or gtfo. I heard like five chimes tops. So I'd give it a 3/10 for bell usage, 7/10 on actual liking of the track.

Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name

It's kinda THE go-to bell song, and even though it only has that shit in the beginning, it's a long intro. 7/10 for bells, 9.5/10 for enjoying the song.

Pestilence - Chronic Infection

I'm sitting here, waiting for some motherfucking goddamned ringadingding bells, and I don't hear any. Maybe I'm missing them because of the spastic mess this song creates everywhere my speakers travel? 1/10 for bells, 3/10 for song.

Hexentanz - Mark of the Witch

Bell as FUCK. Eerie ritual shit. The most bellish of the bunch, clocking in at an impressive 9/10 for the continuous tolling, and 7/10 for the track itself.

Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise/Rotting Misery


Please stick to the theme or I'll punish you severely. I get it, it's a great song, we know that. This isn't a 'post a good song that contains the shit' mixtape, it's a strict nazi adherence, in my book. So like 3/10 for bells, 8.5/10 on the track because I love this band.
The bells in the Pestilence song appear at 1:07, although they are rather low in the mix and you can just barely hear them.
Taramis - 7/10 Solid music, soft vocals
Iron Maiden - 1/10 Super obvious choice, even I thought of this and I dislike Iron Maiden.
Pestilence - 9/10 It's Pestilence, therefore it should win.
Hexentanz - 5/10 Ok? What is this ambient haunted house music from Disneyland?
Paradise Lost - 3/10 Gonna take a nap and the song should wake me up when it starts. ...zzz... nope slept through the whole thing.
Whoopsies, forgot.

Taramis - 8/10 - probably the weakest and definitely the most blatantly Fates Warning-derivative song on the album, but the bridge section with the bells is nice
Iron Maiden - 10/10 - obligatory
Pestilence - 10/10 - I've always loved this song, but only on a recent listen did I realize how amazing the songwriting on this one really is, and it's funny that the bells never really registered with me until pointed out, because they're one of many parts that sounds so fucking cool here, if I ever get off my ass and get serious about trying to learn how to really understand and write metal music, this is one of the first songs I'm going to try and rip off because Pestilence had some serious skills on display their first two albums
Hexentanz - 5/10 - this is clearly the logical conclusion of metal
Paradise Lost - 5/10 - eh pretty average, for death/doom it sounds more like Candlemass with death vox and a couple kinda neat gimmicks but far inferior songwriting
To the great surprise of many, @arg is the winner. Even the best efforts of Baroque could not snatch victory from him.

Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name - 7.45 @arg

Pestilence - Chronic Infection - 7.4 @Baroque
Hexentanz - Mark of the Witch - 6.3 @Carpe Mortem

Taramis - The Chosen - 6.0 @HamburgerBoy
Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise/Rotting Misery - 5.75 @Sirjack

Now, I'm relieved to pass this game over to another. Choose wisely in your theme, and this thread may yet flourish.