Compositional mixtape

My Decrepit Lament · Veiled in Sorrow – 6/10

Are we counting the part beginning around 2:50 as the breakdown? I’m surprised that for a –core pick, I’m actually having a hard time identifying it. If that is the part, I like it, kinda doomy but still brings the groove. The rest of the song was decent, also a little different from what I was expecting.

Savatage - Hall Of The Mountain King – 10/10

Absolute classic. The song is a 10/10 even without the breakdown, but oh man, the whole AH AH AH AH part particularly is one of the most excessive and ridiculous things I’ve ever heard, in the best way possible.

WASP - Harder Faster – 5/10

I didn’t know this live album had any exclusive tracks, and I just listened to the S/T on my school commute today, nice. The bulk of this song seems a bit derivative of that, though. The breakdown bit was the highlight but still not that great, rhythm section too simplistic to really sell it.

We Butter The Bread With Butter - Superföhn Bananendate – 2/10

Lmao, that synth line. I’d give this a decent rating if you removed all the metal parts, but as is this is pretty bad. The breakdown was the worst part too. I like the sentimental bit during the last 20 seconds though.

Artillery - Time Has Come – 10/10

I still can’t figure out why thrash bands wrote better breakdowns in the mid-80s than anyone after. This, The Conjuring, Curse the Gods, so many awesome breakdowns circa 85-86 in thrash metal. I credit the relative lack of hardcore influence.

Enslaved – Havenless – 5/10

Kind of weird, like a black/thrash martial prog breakdown or someshit. It just keeps going and going. I’ve heard some Enslaved, but this is a lot thrashier than I remember. Dunno, I thought it was a little interesting at least, although I didn’t really like it and it didn’t feel groovy, just choppy.

Aversions Crown – Xenoforms – 3/10

Eh, pretty boring, and over before I knew it.
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Forgot about this mixtape:

Veiled in Sorrow - 9/10 Fun neoclassical moments and headbangable breakdown at 2:50
Savatage - 7/10 Good but Lolwtf at the video. Not very breakdowny imo.
WASP - 6/10 Kinda hard pop-rock really. Not bad for what it is though.
We Butter The Bread With Butter - 7/10 This is more the kind of music i'd expect from a modern breakdown list. The breakdown itself kind of sucked.
Artillery - 8/10 This band has been growing on me lately, especially their first 3. Wish the vocal melodies in this one were less repetitive.
Enslaved - 5/10 Not at all what I was expecting. Seems pretty mediocre though, I feel they could have done a lot more with this.
Aversions Crown - 5/10 This isn't exactly converting me to a deathcore fan. Meh.
My Decrepit Lament, Veiled In Sorrow - 5/10, Holy abrupt openings Batman, it certainly doesn't waste any time getting straight to the song, in full fortissimo no less. An eyecatching arrangement, full of a good degree of technical skill, the acoustic part notably featuring some classical guitar. Good soloing, but the rhythm section needs to learn what the fuck a groove is and stop chugging harder than a cheap Bangkok whore. I mean that literally and figuratively. Vocally, it's a bunch of passable, average death growling. Overall, very meh. Thematic, decent breakdown.

Savatage, Hall of The Mountain King - 10/10, Yes, yes, and yes. Legendary, two-fisted kickass chord barrage of an opening riff. Jon Oliva is one of my favorite metal singers for a reason, just listen to that gritty, voluminous belting and those trembling, throat-piercing screams. Evil laughter and burst-fire orgasm screaming is always a bonus. Guitar soloing is akin to a literal phoenix grabbing the fretboard and squeezing every decibel of finger-tapping badass out of it. Percussion and bass are grooving and punchy, no clicks here, just as it should be. Thematic, good breakdown.

W.A.S.P., Harder Faster (Live) - 8/10, Profanity-laden Blackie Lawless rant is epic as always. Crunchy, screaming guitar, thumping bass line, and Blackie's full-throated wails, still absolutely fucking incomparable. Topped off with the hooky, harmonic brilliance of W.A.S.P.'s usual sound. Thematic, breakdown is great, blazing solo from Chris Holmes, leads up to an utterly ferocious Lawless scream, and kicks back into the chorus and more solos. Great motorcycle music.

We Butter The Bread With Butter - 1/10, Remind me to napalm the garbage heap these toxic faggots were spawned from. Veritable atrocity of a vocal performance, complete with inhaled pig squeals, the drums couldn't get any clickier and hoary if you added an audio tape of me furiously tapping my mouse over the red "X" on my browser to get away from this aural abortion. Bad attempts at melodic guitar playing buried in the mix, just like this whole song and band should be buried in a shallow grave. Thematic.

Artillery, Time Has Come - 6/10, Good, melodious thrash metal, however, it's not even on theme, so I've gotta detract from my rating.

Enslaved, Havenless - 4/10, Nordic choral intro replete with percussive riffing guitar, cool. Disjointed and threadbare as a composition though. Not even approaching a respectable enough amount dynamism to allot it this long of a runtime. Competent black metal vocals. Thematic.

Aversions Crown, Xenoforms - 2/10, Cool choice of volume levels ar the start. Literally nothing laudable anywhere else though, as it transmogrifies into a Djent AIDS germ after that brief moment of potential quality and inspiration. Guitarist needs lessons in how to play more than two chords at differing pitches, vocalist needs to be shot and castrated, drummer needs to be bludeoned with rusted pipes till he shits tetanus, bassist needs to find a better band. Thematic.
My Decrepit Lament · Veiled in Sorrow
Some good leads, but it's overbearingly brickwalled and sterile, and I don't get overly finicky about that most of the time. I liked the acoustic sections just because they were a respite from the loudness.

Savatage - Hall Of The Mountain King
I should be more familiar with Savatage. That ballad that appeared in the LOVE game was kind of lackluster, sure, but this is proper classic heavy metal. Those staccato vocalizations appearing a little after 3 minutes in were kind of weird, but his is overall good stuff.

WASP - Harder Faster
I had no idea that, despite being from New York, Blackie Lawless sounds more like Foghorn Leghorn than Bugs Bunny. But this is a pretty good song in any case; it hits the spot in its simple charm.

We Butter The Bread With Butter - Superföhn Bananendate
What the fuck. I was expecting some obnoxious club rap to come in based on the intro. I might have preferred that, since that might have "so bad it's good" appeal. This is just unremarkably bad. It has some sporadic good ideas wrapped up in burrito full of bullshit.

Artillery - Time Has Come
Standard yet well-executed thrash that I don't feel strongly about.

Enslaved - Havenless
A good song in the context of the album, and the Nordic chants are a positive addition to this. It doesn't achieve true greatness, but it's a nice use of a breakdown in (progressive) black metal.

Aversions Crown - Xenoforms
Pretty mediocre. Not much to be said about it.
Ill get ratings tomorrow. Have to be up early in the morning for work... and I've been really drunk and tired the past few days anyways.
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Sorry all. Totally forgot haha.

My Decrepit Lament · Veiled in Sorrow - 5/10 - I hate anything overly flashy tbh.
Savatage - Hall Of The Mountain King - 8/10 - Classic.
WASP - Harder Faster - 7/10 - WASP rules.
We Butter The Bread With Butter - Superföhn Bananendate - 8/10 - Lol. Fun tune, nothing more. Really fun, dumb tune.
Artillery - Time Has Come - 8/10 - Not big on thrash but Artillery is the shit.
Enslaved - Havenless - 6.5/10 - Only Enslaved I really like is Vikingligr Veldi tbh... maybe Blodhemn as well.
Aversions Crown - Xenoforms - 4/10 - Eww tbh.
Oh dude my bad, I totally forgot I did this one. Tomorrow morning I'll have ratings. Shit this is an old one.
You have missed that window of opportunity. You have til midnight ET. I already know who's gonna win, and I doubt you'll change it, but I'm anxious to find out the next theme.
Go ahead. Disqualify me. I'm such a piece of shit.

I'd love to say I'll get it done when I'm home tonight but chances are nah.
Arg has been MIA for going on three weeks now. There's no real precedent for this. What is to be done about an absentee game master? I think, as the OP, i have a duty to hijack the game for its own good.
Yes. I trust no one will try to lie about which song they submitted. I can safely assume that you, along with @HamburgerBoy @Baroque @The Butt @Carpe Mortem , submitted songs. With myself included, that makes for only six, but that seventh mystery poster may well be arg, since he only tagged three of us stragglers when three had already submitted ratings.