Garbage Connoisseur
Wahhhh I gave a song where a guy plucked the bass a bunch a bad rating. I basically always hate technical shit so it shouldn’t be some surprise. Burkcunts bullshit ratings count every round so fuck off.
no idea what you’re talking about, @Sirjack
Didn’t know we weren’t allowed to change ratings before the round ended until some of you guys cried about it, sometimes I listen to the playlist more than once and or changed my mind about shit. Fuck I raised my rating if that Warchest song several points before I submitted this time because it was actually decent as the song went on.
no idea what you’re talking about, @Sirjack
Didn’t know we weren’t allowed to change ratings before the round ended until some of you guys cried about it, sometimes I listen to the playlist more than once and or changed my mind about shit. Fuck I raised my rating if that Warchest song several points before I submitted this time because it was actually decent as the song went on.