2019 Themed Mixtape Game

What should the winner of this game get?

  • Pick the theme of the next metal mixtape game for the host

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Host the next metal mixtape game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Veto the next metal mixtape game theme and force host to choose another theme

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pre-emptively ban a genre from being represented in the next metal mixtape game

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
I'm incredibly hung over from birthday celebrations the last few days. So I'll keep these short and sweet.

Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast: This wasn't bad. There were definitely some standout moments, and there were also moments where I thought it sounded a little too familiar. 6/10

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom: Wow. This shit came on guns blazing! I felt alive as soon as this kicked in. Very much into this. I'll need to check them out more. 8/10

Mystik - Ancient Majesty: Anicent Majestyyyyy! Majesty! Majesty! of death! I mean this is straightforward and good. Nightmares would be my favorite track on this though. 8.5/10

Hexenbrett - Hexen: I'm in love with the tones they use here. Also, the beginning reminds me of Diamond Head's Am I Evil? A groovy and fun tune. 9/10

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - T. O. W. D. A. T. H. A. B. T. E.: This is all right. I'm happy to see they are still going. 6/10

Ripper - The Unreal: Don't you love it when you can hear/differentiate the bass out of all the instruments? I'm usually not super into tech death but... need I be corny and say this rips? 8/10

Warchest - Spiritually Dead: I don't like the screaming vocals either, but the music is good. I wonder if this would have replaying power for me though. I've heard some really great thrash this year (Inculter being one) and I'm not sure if I'd go back to this. So, for that I'll give it a 6/10

Misþyrming - Alsæla: That break at around 2:30 was really cool. But again, I'm not sure if this has a lot of replaying power for me. That part comes back in at around 3:50 and it's really groovy and holds the song up, tbh. Otherwise too much of the same thing. 4.5/10

Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath: I like this band, idk why the production sounds like a kid's at home pots and pans drum set. It would be better if the production was better and less muffled. 5/10

Pissgrave - Euthanasia: Someone said it, but it's true. This is something easier appreciated live. 4/10
Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast
Filled to the brim with killer moments and one of the best examples of the style I’ve heard in ages. Perhaps a bit over the top, but still 9

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom 7

Mystik - Ancient Majesty
Contains some of the old magic. Some killer riffs. 8

Hexenbrett - Hexen
I love the sound of this. Really cool stuff. 7.5

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - T. O. W. D. A. T. H. A. B. T. E.
This grew on me after multiple listens of the playlist. Wasn’t much of a fan at first, but it’s actually pretty cool. 7.5

Ripper - The Unreal
Not as big on this band as some here. But it’s certainly not bad. 7

Warchest - Spiritually Dead
Chunky, meatheaded thrash with some really abysmal vocals. Not for me. 5

Misþyrming - Alsæla 5.5

Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath
I actually don’t mind the production on this so much. It’s good, but not amazing. 7

Pissgrave - Euthanasia
The first minute or so is terrible, then it morphs into something much darker. 4.5

Lazy ratings cos I forgot about this and it’s late. Listened to this playlist quite a few times over the past few weeks and mostly enjoy it.
Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast

Kinda cool. Not what I was expecting but too long.

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom

I like this and all, but feels like I've heard it 1000 times before. Dude is is trying really hard to imitate Midnight's vocalist.

Mystik - Ancient Majesty

This is about as middle of the road female vocal trad as you can get. It aint horrible.

Hexenbrett - Hexen

Probably my number one new band for 2019. Awesome Master's Hammer/Heavy Metal influenced first wave black metal sound.

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - T. O. W. D. A. T. H. A. B. T. E.

Excellent black metal. Makes me wonder if I've ever actually heard this band before because this isnt what I was thinking at all.

Ripper - The Unreal

Wow this sucks.

Warchest - Spiritually Dead

Hey this sucks too. Vocals are awful. Better than the above song though.

Misþyrming - Alsæla

This is pretty bad. I was expecting something similar to the debut and this is not it. Not thrilled I bought the vinyl.

Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath

Such a good album marred by awful production. I mean, surely they knew how bad this sounds compared to their other records?

Pissgrave - Euthanasia
Far and away the most evil sounding thing on this list.
Ripper - The Unreal

Wow this sucks.
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Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast

Not bad but fairly standard worship of the mid 90s Swedish sound. Not too sure what the point is when even the original scene was over-saturated. 6/10

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom

Killer speed metal. Love it. 9/10

Mystik - Ancient Majesty

Best riffs of the playlist, awesome production, could be a 9.5 with better vocals. 8/10

Hexenbrett - Hexen

It's all right. I appreciate what they're going for but it's at least a minute too long and I'm not big on cheesy synths these days. 6/10

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - T. O. W. D. A. T. H. A. B. T. E.

I'm stunned that this band is still putting out music. Less surprised that they're still by the books and boring as fuck. I had Nocturnal March back in 2005 and this could've came from the same session. 4/10

Ripper - The Unreal

I need to check this out properly, Ripper haven't disappointed yet. 8/10

Warchest - Spiritually Dead

More Chilean thrash! Haven't heard of these guys before, solid stuff. 7/10

Misþyrming - Alsæla

Surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Nice melodies, good stuff. 7/10

Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath

Like others have said, this would benefit from better production but it's still a cool song. 7/10

Pissgrave - Euthanasia

I probably would've been all over this back in the day. Does nothing for me these days. 3/10
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Reactions: CiG
had detailed ratings for the first half of the list but couldn't find em so fuck it ...

Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast - 8.5
hi omni ;)

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom - 8

Mystik - Ancient Majesty - 7

Hexenbrett - Hexen- 6

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Alphabet Salad - 6

Ripper - The Unreal - 10

Warchest - Spiritually Dead - 8

Misþyrming - Alsæla - 5

Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath - 6.5

Pissgrave - Euthanasia 3.5
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Reactions: CiG

Diabolic Night - Sovereign of Doom 88 @CiG
Mystik - Ancient Majesty 82 @Burkhard
Ripper - The Unreal 81.5 @TechnicalBarbarity
Hexenbrett - Hexen 80 @Funerary_Doom
Warchest - Spiritually Dead 75 @Baroque
Sorathian Dawn - Adversarial Iconoclast 74.5 @Phylactery
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - T.O.W.D.A.T.H.A.B.T.E. 70 @no country for old wainds
Ares Kingdom - Eighteen Degrees Beneath 69.5 @Mort Divine

Pissgrave - Euthanasia 66 @Krow
Misþyrming - Alsæla 62 @EspaDa

Send submissions to me for Round 2 and nothing from a band that already featured in Round 1 will be counted. AND REMEMBER even if you don't win, as long as you win at least 1 round all the other points you got will count towards the final results.

Venom Award goes to Mystik.
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Reactions: TechnicalBarbarity
Crimsonfloyd considers Venom to be extremely overrated and unjustly popular. So everything else that he considers overrated he gives them the “Venom Award”. He mostly uses it in the yearly polls where he adds a “Venom Award” for what he considers the most overrated album that year.
pigeons votes shouldn't have even been counted here since it was obvious he was skewing the ratings and fucking up the results. I remember once i gave LEGIT low ratings to a couple of songs and a few of you guys(Slayed being the main one) couldn't handle it and decided not to count my votes.
he probably thought that tune was mine. dudes got a chip on his shoulder from when l caught him changing his vote for a killer Pestilence tune, forcing him to change it again, resulting in my win
then again, lm real fucking stoned..no idea what im taliking about
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Reactions: TechnicalBarbarity