Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

I know what song "should" win this round without even seeing the picks. I suppose it could get downrated for being too obvious or something but I feel like you shouldn't be able to pull that shir in this particular game.
I hope it isn't the song that I think you're talking about, because I think that song is annoying and overrated in comparison to a lot of other songs by the same band.

If so, sorry. I just really don't think it's that good.
Overrated yet probably still better than everything else that'll be picked.

No point in being sorry for something that doesnt matter at all, btw.
I have no idea what song you guys are talking about unless it's Can I Play With Madness in which case I doubt it will be rated that favorably.
Yeah that one is probably the most obvious of all but I'm not sure it's what they're talking about. There are a few others, we shall see if they are there when the playlist gets posted.
Oh hey there were more songs than I thought, didn't scroll down. Enjoy!


Helstar - Swirling Madness
Mortuary Drape - Madness
Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness
Decapitated - Spheres of Madness
Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness
Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown
Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young
How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness
Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness
Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness
Wintersun - Winter Madness
Believer - Stop the Madness
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Decapitated is shit. I don't get you EspaDa, you like some really great stuff but then you like Meshuggah, Decapitated and In Flames ;)

It's very probable that I listen to Decapitated only because of the fact that they are my compatriots, otherwise I guess I wouldn't even bother getting into them. I see no wrong in Meshuggah, lots of people despise them and it's inconceivable to me. They may be hated for creation of that artificial 'djent' genre but I have always considered them progressive metal. The song of theirs I submitted here was actually really below-par and it was some kind of a lifebuoy for me as I had no other ideas on my mind. Besides, Koloss is a great album. And when it comes to In Flames I don't know how you can dislike this:

I just don't understand the appeal of Meshuggah at all.

Haven't heard that In Flames song in years, their first 2 albums aren't bad but not something I ever listen to. Skydancer is far better than any In Flames imo. And ofc early At the Gates crushes them both.
I'm not looking forward to having to sit through that Wintersun track, I was hoping it wouldn't be here. I remember that track name because it stands out as being one of the most saccharine metal albums I've ever heard.
Helstar - Swirling Madness
I have no gripe with this. Technically proficient. 6/10.

Mortuary Drape - Madness
Hard to go wrong with these guys. The vocals really hit the spot. 8/10.

Deadly Blessing - Silent Madness
I liked the guitar intro... but I think the guitars are all I'm gonna keep in the "pro" column. 4/10.

Decapitated - Spheres of Madness
Ok the guitars go in the "con" column here wtf? Vox are enjoyable tho. Are those really drums? They sound God awful. Blah. 4/10.

Necrodeath - At the Mountains of Madness
Ahhhhh now this is musically tolerable all around! Great atmosphere. 9/10.

Emerald Steel - When Madness Wears a Crown
Pretty solid shizzle. Kept me entertained. 6/10.

Le Grand Guignol - Madness and Her Thousand Young
This one actually sounds like madness haha. I love avant-garde type black metal. 9/10.

How Like A Winter - All The Seasons Of Madness
Man it's been a while since I heard these fuckers! I totally remember this track and it slays! Great harmonies. Well picked. 9/10.

Blind Guardian - Fast to Madness
Whatever it's alright. 5/10.

Arkham Witch - At the Mountains of Madness
Sort of fading into background banter but none too shabby. 5/10.

Wintersun - Winter Madness
These guys were overhyped as shit for a while. This song is a fun listen but doesn't get me all hot and bothered. 6/10.

Believer - Stop the Madness
The build-up! Lots of energy here. 6/10.