Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Exmortus - Left To Die In The Paradox Of Time 7.5/10
As this song started, brutally loud thunder boomed outside my home, this song goes perfectly with the weather here right now. The drums put me off somewhat, a common complaint with me and modern metal, but the rest was actually pretty fucking awesome. Gets real epic when it slows down around the halfway mark. Riffssss!

Bad Boat - Paradox 5.5/10

Quite dirty sounding, but I can't see myself listening to this beyond the playlist, some really cool riffs though. Atmospheric mellow middle passage was cool too.

Deinonychus - Building The Paradox 4/10

The keys were the only redeeming factor to me. Just couldn't get into it.

Omnium Gatherum - Paradox 6.5/10

I love the keyboard work on this track, not very riffy but it still somehow works well enough. The slow middle passage is the highlight for me, with the melodic riffing entering, leading to the track's end.

Odious Mortem - Domain Of The Eternal Paradox 5/10

Holy shit the difference in intensity compared with the preceding track is stark as fuck. 6 minutes of this is a little much for me, I liked the riffing though.

Lychgate - Against The Paradoxical Guild 5.5/10

I appreciate the atmosphere, but somehow I found it to be a bit boring. Still, it had some great moments.

Benediction - Paradox Alley 6.5/10

The first (and only) song on the playlist that I already know, luckily I haven't listened to this album in years. I have the 7 inch picture disc for "Wrong Side Of The Grave" and I remember that sounding a lot more intense and brutal, this by contrast sounds very moderate. 'Meat and potatoes' death metal.

Meshuggah - The Paradoxical Spire 2/10

I've never really heard this band properly, except maybe the debut years ago. This band's appeal will probably never make sense to me. The vocals were especially off-putting, the rest was extremely boring.

Artch - Paradox 5/10

That artwork is totally cool. The music I don't know what to make of it, cool vocalist but ridiculously pedestrian instrumentation. It's like mainstream 80's hard rock with a heavy metal production...
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Exmortus - Left to Die in the Paradox of Time

Bad Boat - Paradox

Deinonychus - Building the Paradox

Omnium Gatherum - Paradox

Odious Mortem - Domain of the Eternal Paradox

Lychgate - Against the Paradoxical Guild

Benediction - Paradox Alley

Meshuggah - The Paradoxical Spire

Artch - Paradox
Exmortus - Left to Die in the Paradox of Time
Pretty thrashing stuff. Enjoyable vocals and melody. 7/10.

Bad Boat - Paradox
There's some screaming here, which is usually cool but I dunno. I liked the riffs. 6/10.

Deinonychus - Building the Paradox
Digging the backing organ but those vocals are subpar for Deinonychus. Actually quite annoying, really. 4/10.

Omnium Gatherum - Paradox
I shall certainly be exploring this band more. Melody and vox in kickass harmony up in here. 8/10.

Odious Mortem - Domain of the Eternal Paradox
Some technical shit, but not bad by any means. Pretty unrelenting, really. 6/10.

Lychgate - Against the Paradoxical Guild
I like these guys. Solid atmosphere and relaxing. 8/10.

Benediction - Paradox Alley
This is solid. I imagine Paradox Alley to be akin to Diagon Alley, but that may be folly. 7/10.

Meshuggah - The Paradoxical Spire
I haven't really heard these guys. My impression is blah. 4/10.

Artch - Paradox
Nice change of style for this round. 5/10.
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I guess I should tally this shit up since EspaDa never rates and TechnicalBarbarity apparently isn't coming back.

Exmortus - Left to Die in the Paradox of Time - 7.4 @Baroque
Lychgate - Against the Paradoxical Guild - 6.9 @dwellerINTHEdark
Benediction - Paradox Alley - 6.4 @arg - 6.5 (this came third because Arg himself gave it a 10)
Omnium Gatherum - Paradox - 6.2 @CASSETTEISGOD (I was surprised he submitted this)
Artch - Paradox - 6.1 @HamburgerBoy
Odius Mortem - Domain of the Eternal Paradox - 6.1 @TechnicalBarbarity
Bad Boat - Paradox - 5.6 @Carpe Mortem
Deinonychus - Building the Paradox - 5.4 @Serjeant Grumbles
Meshuggah - The Paradoxical Spire - 3.6 @EspaDa (this deserved to come last, terrible band)

Congrats Baroque.
I guess I should tally this shit up since EspaDa never rates and TechnicalBarbarity apparently isn't coming back.

Exmortus - Left to Die in the Paradox of Time - 7.4 @Baroque
Lychgate - Against the Paradoxical Guild - 6.9 @dwellerINTHEdark
Benediction - Paradox Alley - 6.4 @arg - 6.5 (this came third because Arg himself gave it a 10)
Omnium Gatherum - Paradox - 6.2 @CASSETTEISGOD (I was surprised he submitted this)
Artch - Paradox - 6.1 @HamburgerBoy
Odius Mortem - Domain of the Eternal Paradox - 6.1 @TechnicalBarbarity
Bad Boat - Paradox - 5.6 @Carpe Mortem
Deinonychus - Building the Paradox - 5.4 @Serjeant Grumbles
Meshuggah - The Paradoxical Spire - 3.6 @EspaDa (this deserved to come last, terrible band)

Congrats Baroque.

Woah, what? I thought I would never win one of these again, since I decided to submit songs on my own terms and let what is popular around here be damned. Even TB the other Exmortus fan who plays these didn't like that album (I always did). Plus I half submitted it as a joke since it's probably the weirdest Exmortus song. I do like the song but just surprised, here.
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