Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep

Winds - What Is Beauty?
Not bad for Baroque-submitted prog gimmickry.

Stormwitch - The Beauty and the Beast
Ahaha, that 'tonartshöjning'. Sorry, I have no idea how to translate that.

Dawn - Diabolical Beauty
One of those albums that's loved by almost every respectable metalhead I know, but I've yet to hear. This is pretty great.

Crowbar - Repulsive in Its Splendid Beauty
Beautiful in its repulsive splendor.

Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Feast

Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies
Damn, that is one beautiful intro. The rest of the song sucks though.

Grave - Beauty Within

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past
I didn't even submit a song this round and I'm rating anyway because I have no life I'm awesome. But apparently I didn't need to because someone else submitted my jam. I was going to submit this in the 'nature' round of the regular mixtape game, but ended up going with Scald.
^A possible idea for the next compositional mixtape. I mean modulation in general, not that specific trope.

Anyway, I needs mo' ratings.
I'll rate tonight when I get home.


O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep

I’ve mostly just listened to later OLD, this is pretty intense and nasty sounding stuff, I’m liking it. 7/10.

Winds - What is Beauty?

Well done for what it is. I meant to check them out ages ago when I was really into Arcturus but never got around to it in time. 6/10.

Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast

Eh, pretty mediocre. The glam touch is nice at parts, I actually like that cheesy ass keyboard line and the female vox and stuff, but I dunno, still not that great, I think I’d get sick of it after a couple more listens.

Dawn - Diabolical Beauty

Very good. 7/10.

Crowbar - Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty

Eh, it’s OK but not really a fan of this style. Crowbar never interested me that much, but I’m surprised that this sounds more like some kind of late 90s post-hardcore song than the Sabbath-y sludge I’d expect. Too melodramatic for me, but not bad. 5/10.

Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Fest

Couldn’t pay attention to it. Poor doom metal riffs with a weak necro performance. 3/10.

Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies

These guys were a random early find for me, and I thought this album was fucking amazing and totally unique at the time. Actually hearing this song again I guess I still like it a lot, it’s gothy and Swansy and whatever but it’s still got a very cohesive sound, no random 90s goth metal chugging riffs or forced romance, just gradually building dark cinematic shit. 8/10.

Grave - Beauty Within

Eh, run-of-the-mill Century Media post-death. 4/10.

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past

Not as messy or bad as some early Septic Flesh I’ve heard, but still eh. Part of the time it sounds like mid-90s Death, other bits sound like knock-off Norwegian black metal, and of course there’s the keyboard shit linking it together. For 1994 I guess this was pretty early for either of those influences though. It’s more cohesive than it should be, at least the transitions make sense even though they feel overdone. Eh it’s alright actually. 6/10.
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Reactions: Phylactery and CiG
Fuck the haters!!!!!!

O.L.D. - 4.5/10
Winds - 6.5/10
Stormwitch 7/10
Dawn - good shit 8/10
Crowbar - 8.5/10
Hooded Menace - 6/10
Beyond Dawn - 7/10
Grave - 7.5/10
Septic Flesh - wow, no synths? pretty good. edit: oh, there are synths towards the end 7.5/10
Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast

Eh, pretty mediocre. The glam touch is nice at parts, I actually like that cheesy ass keyboard line and the female vox and stuff, but I dunno, still not that great, I think I’d get sick of it after a couple more listens.

You forgot to rate man.
O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep 7/10
Over the top and completely ridiculous. I enjoyed it.

Winds - What is Beauty? 6/10

I quite liked the strings in this song, but when the chugging riff hits at 3 minutes it turns me off. Not bad overall.

Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast 5.5/10

Yeah, this isn't nearly as good as the song that was in the last metal theme. It's quite cheesy, especially that horrible chorus.

Dawn - Diabolical Beauty 9/10

This was my original pick but someone got there before me. Second only to Sacramentum's Far Away from the Sun in this style for me. Dawn create narrative epics filled with melancholic atmosphere. Avoids being as repetitive as the inferior (but still good) follow up, Slaughtersun.

Crowbar - Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty 7/10

I've never really explored sludge. This is fucking crushing and oppressive.

Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Feast 7.5/10

Disgusting doom/death with a fantastic production job. Loses a bit of steam in the middle section but then comes in with a killer riff.

Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies 5/10

Never heard of these guys. Was expecting it to be black metal based on the band and song name. I kinda like this but at the same time I don't. Can't really explain it.

Grave - Beauty Within 4.5/10

They'll never hit the violent and rhythmic intensity of Into the Grave again. This is kinda boring and the part that starts at 2 minutes 20ish is terrible.

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past 9/10

Mystic Places of Dawn is a masterpiece. Dynamically and melodically interesting death metal with superior songwriting and an otherworldly atmosphere.
I'll just let that slide. He would have had to rate it a 9 or above to bump it to 8th place, anyway, so it makes no real difference in the final standings. So, fuck it, I'm posting the scores.

The winner is @Phylactery

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past - 7.61 @Phylactery
Crowbar - Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty - 6.83 @EspaDa
Dawn - Diabolical Beauty - 6.66 @dwellerINTHEdark
O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep - 6.44 @CASSETTEISGOD
Winds - What is Beauty? - 6.17 @Baroque
Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Fest - 5.78 @Krow
Grave - Beauty Within - 5.47 @Sirjack
Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies - 5.39 @HamburgerBoy
Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast - 4.94 @H.P. Lovecraft
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Reactions: CiG
I don't even want to win this one really and I've won it twice now! I'm probably never winning the normal version though, so I guess it's fine.

The new word/theme is PARADOX. (I'll accept derivatives of this word such as paradoxical.)

PM me with your submissions.
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^ I am of the opinion the normal one becomes a battle not only of musical selection, but of folks who view the theme similarly. This version removes that variable and you are left only with the quality of the song chosen.