Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

I could still use more songs. Y'all are a bunch of ugly ass niggas.


I was hoping at least that @Phylactery would give me a backup choice. Well, I'll give it until midnight ET, then I'll post what we've got.
Alright, here's the BEAUTY playlist.



O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep
Winds - What is Beauty?
Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast
Dawn - Diabolical Beauty
Crowbar - Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty
Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Fest
Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies
Grave - Beauty Within
Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past
O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep 10/10
Top 10 grindcore album for me. One day I hope my own band is as retarded as this is.

Winds - What Is Beauty? 8/10

I really liked this.

Stormwitch - The Beauty And The Beast 5/10

This band was once great, this album marked their decline in my opinion. Sorrynotsorry.

Dawn - Diabolical Beauty 6/10

Typewriter drumming fuck off into the hells. Pretty good though.

Crowbar - Repulsive In It's Splendid Beauty 8/10

Hits all the right spots when I'm in the mood, feeling down or whatever.

Hooded Menace - Beauty And The Feast 7/10

For some reason I never got too deep into this band, death doom just isn't my thing, but it's undoubtedly killer shit.

Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies 6.5/10

It's going for something in terms of vibe that I like, but I think it falls short in some unexplainable way for me. Somewhat boring, but not bad.

Grave - Beauty Within 4/10

Braindead and boring groovy death metal. No thanks, this is for douchebags that wear flame shirts and chain wallets and have completely forgotten what death metal is.

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty Of The Past 7/10

Heard shit from this album on previous playlists, it's pretty cool. I'd be willing to dig deeper based on this. The piano adds a whole extra dimension of awesome.
O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep
Fucking awesome and ridiculous. Will look into these guys more. 8/10.

Winds -
What is Beauty?
Can't stand the verses. The strings are the only thing going for it really. 4/10.

Stormwitch -
The Beauty and The Beast
I wish I was listening to the Disney musical instead. 4/10.

Dawn -
Diabolical Beauty
These vocals are super dramatic for black metal. The riffs are killer as well. 8/10.

Crowbar -
Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty
This song chooses the road of blandness and revels in the unexciting. 5/10.

Hooded Menace -
Beauty and the Feast
Pretty coool doooom. Need to listen to a full-length. 7/10.

Beyond Dawn -
When Beauty Dies
The music is interesting enough but the monotonous, drab vox are putting a kink in the tune Had a little redemption in the end there. 5/10.

Grave -
Beauty Within
I've been tuning this one out. It's pretty bad. 3/10.

Septic Flesh -
Pale Beauty of the Past
Nice and eerie at times. Pretty entertaining, overall. 7/10.
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O.L.D - Shite then and shite now. Even as the parody it was it failed 2/10 still got these guys on tape somewhere
and yeah, l did see the funny side of it - i was never offended - they just suck

Winds - Too typical stringy themes for me but l like the guitars and the cleaner vocals 6/10

Stormwitch - Sterile, and l expected much more from the solo. 3/10

Dawn - This could be any fucking faceless BM band. Toothless unoriginal and mighty fuckin bland riffage 3/10
Actually these are just second hand crap DM riffs thrown together with a synth. this is shite folks. That siad they at least have an idea on dynamics.

Crowbar - l got Obedience Through Suffering at the promise of a huge fuck of a heavy band and they didn't disappoint, but for me, they just never got past that stage of 'oh yeah that's heavy - good riff- cool tune' l always wanted more 7/10

Hooded Menace - This band l have not heard much, l thought these guys were supposed to be thrash! Listenable doom with DM riffs 6/10

Beyond Dawn - emo for the new generation 2/10

Grave - Not their finest moment for a long shot, maybe a bit too 'dancey' for me but that guitar tone is thick and sickly as fuck 7/10

Septic Flesh - Almost perfect. This tune wins you fucks! 10/10
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O.L.D. - Die In Your Beauty Sleep
Cool stuff

Winds - What is Beauty?

Stormwitch - The Beauty and The Beast
Good band, not a great album

Dawn - Diabolical Beauty
I don't really like Dissection and their ilk. Just not my style.

Crowbar - Repulsive In Its Splendid Beauty
Alright I guess. Not the biggest Crowbar fan.

Hooded Menace - Beauty and the Feast
Hooded Menace's albums have declined in quality recently but I've always loved them since they were on Razorback records.

Beyond Dawn - When Beauty Dies

Grave - Beauty Within
Worship Grave.

Septic Flesh - Pale Beauty of the Past

4/10.. I just.... In the past I loved Septic Flesh. I'm not sure what happened but I found this unpalatable.
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