Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Turbonegro - Selfdestructobust: 8/10
This guitar tone flattens cities.

Beastmilk - Surf the Apocalypse: 7/10
Digging this heavy Joy Division shit. Vocals could be higher in the mix but this is straight onto the wishlist.

Band of Light - The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: 7/10
If I hadn't memorised every Zep track by heart, I'd swear it was them, at least until the vocalist opens his mouth.

Kate Bush - Breathing: 7/10
Kate Bush was an immense talent, but her videos are universally horrendous. The random Friday the 13th bit at the end is hilarious though.

Suede - Shipbuilding: 3/10
Elevator music.

Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die: 5/10
Kurt Cobain was one of the few that could pull of this wallowing depressive material because he was so utterly unpretentious. Nice fat riff but the chorus is pretty irritating.

George Crumb - Black Angels: 5/10
I wouldn't rule out listening to this in full, but so far I would take Penderecki for this sort of thing. Once you get past the shock value, it's rather simplistic.

Miley Cyrus - whatever: 0/10
I refuse to indulge whoever keeps posting this shit. Fuck you and well played Satanstoenail for at least putting this last.
Turbonegro - Selfdestructo Bust 7,5/10
Beastmilk - Surf The Apocalypse 7/10
Band Of Light - The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse 7/10
Kate Bush - Breathing 8/10
Suede - Shipbuilding 5/10
Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die 6,5/10
George Crumb, "Black Angels," Movt. 1, "Departure" 3/10
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball 1/10

The only version of the last song I'd listen to again is this one (though I'm not a death metal fan):
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Turbonegro - Selfdestructo Bust 8/10
Reminds me of Dead Boys, always liked this band but never checked out many of their albums for some reason.

Beastmilk - Surf the Apocalypse 8.5/10

Band of Light - The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse 8.5/10
Kiwi legends. I bet this was insane to see performed live.

Kate Bush - Breathing 9.5/10

Suede - Shipbuilding 9.5/10
Though the David Bowie and The Beatles comparisons are obvious, this reminds me of the more obscure psychedelic pop The Bee Gees recorded in the late 60's that are criminally overlooked, in my opinion. I like this a lot.

Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die 8/10
Very drugged out vibe, never heard this before I don't think.

The Kronos Quartet - George Crumb, "Black Angels," Movt. 1, "Departure" 7.5/10
Interesting, and very schizophrenic.

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball 1/10
Even by pop standards she's just so uninteresting and boring.
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"Wrecking Ball" is such an existential masterpiece. Music is rarely this raw, introspective and authentic. The pre-chorus is a perfect build up as the chorus launches into the stratosphere with Cyrus' vocals soaring and exploring depths of human vocal modulation previously unknown. The recursive structure of the song mimics that of life and nature and the dread that exists within. Never before have visuals and audio been integrated so artfully, perfectly bringing to life this conceptually difficult piece. It depicts the absolute threshold of anguish and despair, and therefore, unequivocally advances human expression. Like all high art, it'll be years before this is appreciated for what it truly is; the first essential masterpiece of this century.
Anyone got time to tally the ratings and send the results to me? I just don’t have time lately but I’d like to see this game survive and move on.
Turbonegro - Selfdestructo Bust
I haven't really listen much to the 'nigra, but they lay down some good solid punk rock.

Beastmilk - Surf The Apocalypse

However, my love of punk rock is second to my love of post-punk.

Band Of Light - The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse


Kate Bush - Breathing

It got off to a good start, with the verse section, but the rest of the song is kind of lackluster.

Suede - Shipbuilding


Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die
The best Nirvana is the shit that isn't overplayed.

George Crumb, "Black Angels," Movt. 1, "Departure"

Menacing strings.

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball

This normie trash has no place here.
Friday night time for sushi and beer maybe I’ll remember tomorrow
Turbonegro - Selfdestructo Bust - 7
Beastmilk - Surf The Apocalypse - 6
Band Of Light - The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse - 5
Kate Bush - Breathing - 4 wow she was cute af
Suede - Shipbuilding - 6
Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die - 8
George Crumb, "Black Angels," Movt. 1, "Departure" - 2
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball - 10