Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

I feel dumb now for not picking up on that, especially for the number of times I've listened to Mekong Delta's cover of it.
If by "fucking around" you mean having a life and celebrating my nation's 240th consecutive year of sovereignty, then yes, I have been. Anyways, here's the results, apologies for the appallingly protracted delay.

Candlemass, At The Gallow’s End - 8.6 @Serjeant Grumbles
Gorement, My Ending Quest - 7.5 @Phylactery
Motorhead, End of Time - 7.35 @EspaDa
Heathen’s Rage, Fight Till The End - 7.2 @HamburgerBoy
Invocation Spells, The End of Time - 6.925 @CASSETTEISGOD
Cancer, To The Gory End - 6.7 @Sirjack
Ansur, At His Wit’s End - 6.35 @Baroque
Amorphis, Summer’s End - 6.35 @Vegard Pompey
Ereb Altor, Vargavinter (The End, Part II) - 6.2 @Psychonaut
Deicide, End The Wrath of God - 5.9 @arg

So it would appear @Serjeant Grumbles is the victor, well done indeed, and a worthy song as well. Choose your theme whenever you see fit.
I was pretty confident that I would win, and I was a bit surprised that my pick wasn't already taken. For those curious, this was my second pick:

Anyway, I decree that the next theme word is BEAUTY.