Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

M'kay, I don't think I'm gonna get more than the 10 I have, great list, so here goes nothing, enjoy:
Ansur - At His Wit's End
Amorphis - Summer's End
Ereb Altor - Vargavinter (The End, Part II)
Candlemass - At The Gallows End
Heathen's Rage - Fight Till The End
Motörhead - End of Time
Deicide - End The Wrath of God
Invocation Spells - The End of Time
Cancer - To The Gory End
Gorement - My Ending Quest
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Ansur - 10/10 Incredible prog metal. This is how prog metal should be, seriously pushes musical boundaries, while sounding great and constantly Progressing.
Amorphis - 7.5/10 Definitely listenable, but somewhat simplistic at times.
Ereb Altor - 8/10 Cool. Would this be classified as Viking metal? I dig it. A couple minutes long for the content though.
Candlemass - 9/10 This singer again, damnit this is like my doom weakpoint. After this guy left Candlemass did he go on to a career in opera or what? He is very well trained and naturally gifted as well.
Heathen's Rage - 7/10 Ok, decent song, a bit of an Iron Maiden wannabe. ..Was this recorded on a Fisher Price tape recorder?
Motorhead - 9/10 RIP, really solid modern Motorhead album.
Deicide - 6/10 Eh, this is the type of shit that put me off of death metal for far too long. Now I can appreciate it more, but the vocals still suck goat nuts with that 2000's production. +1 for Fun guitar solo from out of nowhere.
Invocation Spells - 5/10 Doesn't really stand out, predictable phrasing, sounds like dozens of other bands.
Cancer - 5/10 Practically amateurish, boring. Plus I'm biased against the band name, I'll admit it.
Gorement - 7/10 I like the mood. Kind of average as a whole.
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Candlemass - 9/10 This singer again, damnit this is like my doom weakpoint. After this guy left Candlemass did he go on to a career in opera or what? He is very well trained and naturally gifted as well.
Cancer - 5/10 Practically amateurish, boring. Plus I'm biased against the band name, I'll admit it.
The vocalist you're smitten with is the legendary Messiah Marcolin, a doom metal legend and one of the finest singers in metal history. He worked with Candlemass from 1987-1991 and 2004-2006.
And shame on you for that rating of Cancer, that's classic death metal you plebe.
Ansur - There's a lot to like here l find, but l wish the vocals were 'cleaner'. Gorgeous geetar work, it's vaguely like a heavy proggier version of Public Service Broadcasting 7/10

Amorphis - This is ok. Not too keen on a chord changes or two, kinda boring riffs. Dig the bass tone. 5/10

Ereb Altor - Mmmm urging this to be better...l dig the geetar tone just not good enough riffs and the drum sound sux 5/10

Candlemass - Beautiful tune off of probably my mostest bestest Candlemass album. There is not much one can fault with a gem like this. Huge 10/10

Heathen's Rage - The Years of Rage version sounds mixed and better but this is cool as. Wicked leads too.8/10

Motorhead - This sounds like Motorhead should have sounded 30 years ago, although the Lemsters voice wasn't holding quite up,they still knew how to knock out a classic MH tune 6/10

Deicide - l was a big fan of their Amon stuff and the first 2 albums but then l didn't really pay much attention until now...is that Asheim on drums? this sounds like Mr Benton no doubt but the riffs are completely different (l know about the Hoffman bros) l don't mind this but i'm more into thrash at the moment 6/10

Invocation Spells - yeahhhh this is killer. it's the attitude in those riffs 8/10

Cancer - This tune has that Cancer sound which is infectious, brutal and heavy as fuck. A classic 9/10

Gorement - Yeah this works, killer geetar tone of that swede complexion not overly keen on the melody riff tho, would sound better without it. Dig the vocals too. That geetar sound is mad. Reminds me of an Epitaph/Excruciate disc l have. 9/10

that was a cool mix with some kick ass surprises. cheers folks
Ansur - At His Wit's End - 7
i like the riffs but the vocals are a bit strained and tryhard sometimes

Amorphis - Summer's End - 8
manly clean vocals, nice melody but i wish it went to different places to be more interesting

Ereb Altor - Vargavinter (The End, Part II) - 4
weird atmosphere not very fun

Candlemass - At The Gallows End - 6
i enjoyed the fast parts. i guess it's good for a doom song

Heathen's Rage - Fight Till The End - 7
fun nwobhm song that couldve benefited from better production

Motörhead - End of Time - 8
this got me going! vocals kind of mumbly

Deicide - End The Wrath of God - 10
hell yes

Invocation Spells - The End of Time - 9
badass, reminds me of d666

Cancer - To The Gory End - 6
this is ok. boring mid section. needs more intensity

Gorement - My Ending Quest - 5
some tidbits of goodness scattered across mostly mediocre shit
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Ansur - At His Wit's End 5/10
These vocals are just not good. Musically parts of this are interesting but doesn't keep my attention for the full duration.

Amorphis - Summer's End 5.5/10

Fuck this shit. Give me Privilege of Evil or The Karelian Isthmus instead.

Ereb Altor - Vargavinter (The End, Part II) 8/10

I'm only familiar with By Honour from this band I think. Hailed as the second coming of Viking era Bathory by some, I don't think they're quite that good but I do like this.

Candlemass - At The Gallows End 9/10

I find myself listening to this more than the debut these days because it's less emotionally draining. Still prefer the debut, though. This track is amazing and a classic doom song. Messiah can become a bit too theatrical at times on this album for me.

Heathen's Rage - Fight Till The End 7.5/10

Probably Old Waind's choice, he seems to have a fetish for cult power metal. The production on this is absolutely awful, which is a shame because this is otherwise a good song. The lead work is awesome and I like the vocals.

Motörhead - End of Time 6.5/10

Massive energy in this song. I'm kind of tired of Motorhead popping up in this game, though.

Deicide - End The Wrath of God 4/10

Boring, pedestrian, by the numbers death metal. Deicide and Legion are all anyone needs from this band.

Invocation Spells - The End of Time 8/10

This rules.

Cancer - To The Gory End 8/10

Never been a favourite of mine, but this is still really solid OSDM. Much better than that Deicide song.

Gorement - My Ending Quest 9/10

One of the absolute best Swedish death metal albums ever released in my eyes and it's a rather unique one. So much atmosphere contained in this and that guitar tone is killer.
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Ansur - At His Wit's End 5/10
Loved the instrumentation but the vocals don't fit well for me.

Amorphis - Summer's End 7.5/10
The very start of Amorphis' more mellow era but this is one of my favorite tracks on the album.

Ereb Altor - Vargavinter (The End Part II) 9.5/10
I'm drawn to this track as it drips with Bathory worship and feel like it could have been an extra track on Blood On Ice. I can't think of another track by this band that so closely pays homage.

Candlemass - At The Gallows End 9/10
The obvious choice for this list. Would have been shocked were it not here. Doesn't lessen its impact!

Heathen's Rage - Fight Till The End 6.5/10

Damn this production. Strips this more than decent song of its power.

Motorhead - End Of Time 9/10
Filthy speed metal done right!

Deicide - End The Wrath Of God 7.5/10
How Glen got his groove back!

Invocation Spells - The End Of Time 7/10
Never heard these guys before. Remind me of early Kreator.

Cancer - To The Gory End 7.5/10

Killer little track. I need to look into these guys again.

Gorement - My Ending Quest 7.5/10
Playlist comes full circle as, to me, this sounds like Karelian Isthmus era Amorphis.
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Ansur - At His Wit's End

I remember finding this album interesting when I first heard it. Right now this song is sounding kind of like a lame Skyclad song only prog. So riffless that I zoned out and realized I was now listening to Amorphis. 2/10.

Amorphis - Summer's End

Fucking horrible melodrama. Goth rock + 90s Metallica at their worst + some other shit = this song. Not even remotely metal either. 1/10.

Ereb Altor - Vargavinter (The End, Part II)

OK, this sort of has riffs, but just really boring ones. 3/10.

Candlemass - At The Gallows End

Still a great song, though these days it’s waning on me a little. The softer parts during the intro and elsewhere are still amazing, but the chuggy faster verses are a little more standard, and overall it feels a little forced compared to anything on the first album. 8/10.

Heathen's Rage - Fight Till The End

USPM anthem, full of energy and balls. The production is great homos. 8/10.

Motörhead - End of Time

Eh, not bad but not so good either. 5/10.

Deicide - End The Wrath of God
The dissonant riffs are pretty gross in a nu metal kind of way, and the heavier riffs are extremely generic, kind of like a poor Nuclear Blast-era Exodus song but just tuned lower. The instrumental bridge was the only saving grace. 4/10.

Invocation Spells - The End of Time

I swear that exact intro (meaning the musical intro) was taken from something else. The riff before the verses promised at some decent Destruction-y stuff, but then once the vocals came in there was no hope of this being good. 3/10.

Cancer - To The Gory End

I’m really not enjoying this round. I mean, at least this has an excuse for being generic, but I’ve never liked the vocals or production or otherwise anything that would be needed to make solid OSDM. 3/10.

Gorement - My Ending Quest

Decent. The best parts last for like 10 seconds but oh well. 6/10.
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you and cig are the queens of in-crowd circlejerk

If you're talking about Amorphis this argument doesn't work because they completely changed genre. If you're talking about Deicide, then so be it. Everything that I've heard after Legion has been pretty boring and generic and you're one of the few people I've seen who enjoys their newer stuff. I mean it's not completely awful, because obviously I enjoy the basic sound of death metal, but it does absolutely nothing for me.

By the way, there are plenty of bands where the first album isn't my favourite. However, as bands "mature", they tend to lose that creativeness, ambition and passion that drew me to them in the first place. Exceptions, of course, exist.
lol im referring to 90% of bands you (and some others with cig being the worst) ever talk about in any thread on this forum

if somebody posts a mid or late era song your automatic response is "pooh-pooh, nothing compared to their debut!"
lol im referring to 90% of bands you (and some others with cig being the worst) ever talk about in any thread on this forum

if somebody posts a mid or late era song your automatic response is "pooh-pooh, nothing compared to their debut!"

I could endlessly list bands that I think get better beyond the debut, but I have a feeling your pea-brain couldn't handle the idea that actually my opinions aren't so cliché and you're only making these generalisations because you can't mentally handle others trashing the garbage you like.

Go cry in a corner.
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It's because when bands are in their mid-late era of their careers the members are in their 30s and have kids and boring lives so they write boring soulless music about kids and their boring lives so they aren't interesting. Music should be rebellious and filled with youthful energy lashing out against the world around them!
The sweet spot for me is usually on or around the third album. The first album is generally an under produced immature mess that captures the band enthusiastically trying to accomplish something that they're unable to because they're too inexperienced. Exceptions generally occur when the band has been performing for some time under a different name. On or around the fifth album is where bands usually become completely uninspired and try to do something different to freshen their sound and fail completely or start to do shitty rehashes of their best stuff.