Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Cathedral - Not their finest hour imo but, goddamn they know how to throw tone, riffs and melody together like only they can 8/10

Limelight - Of course this is metal although very reminiscent of Scorpions/Saxon/UFO as H.P says. If we didn't already have Virgin Killer id take this any day. Great vocals also 7/10

Megadeth - The drums really put me off and these are typical Megadeth riffs and that's ok in my book. Still it's shitty Megadeth so 6/10

God Macabre - Really need to get this one day, l like the rip-off stuff if its done well as this. 7/10

In This Moment - Nah, everything about this is wrong, drums, geetars and shite vocals - there's not a good riff amongst it. 3/10

Revelation - uugh l could listen to this in the background and read a book but would l want to engage? na not really 6/10

Ulysses Siren - Easily the pick of the bunch. Where have l been not to have heard this? What a killer track. 10/10

Exiled Force - ha this rules also. back in the day l would spin this like crazy. Top stuff 9/10

Suicidal Winds - Another cool collection of kick ass riffs and production. These last 3 tunes are right of my liking. This rocks 7/10

Dark Millennium - ok l cant find this track anywhere - youtube blocks it and the rest of their stuff for me, but l found soundcloud stuff and if that's anything to go by then id probably give it a 5/10

Symphony X - Kinda sterile boxed proggy metal that could be a drum machine with cliche riffs and stiff Yngwie solos..but ive heard quite a lot of SX and know they're not that limited. Still...it gets very tiresome quickly...5/10
Lazy ratings

Cathedral - Ashes You Leave

Limelight - Ashes to Ashes

Unambiguously metal.

Megadeth - Ashes in Your Mouth

God Macabre - Ashes of Mourning Life

In This Moment - Ashes
Maybe I'm in a good mood but this is surprisingly pleasant for argcore.

Revelation - Ashes

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes

Exiled Force - Axiz to Ashes

Suicidal Winds - Ashes From a Past Life

Dark Millennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be

Symphony X - Out of the Ashes
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Reactions: H.P. Lovecraft
No words. Just bodies.


Cathedral - Ashes You Leave 7.5/10
Limelight - Ashes to Ashes 9/10
Megadeth - Ashes in Your Mouth 4/10
God Macabre - Ashes Of Mourning Life 6.5/10
In This Moment - Ashes 0.5/10
Revelation - Ashes 10/10

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes 6/10
Exiled Force - Axiz to Ashes 6/10
Suicidal Winds - Ashes From a Past Life 7/10
Dark Millennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be 6.5/10
Symphony X - Out Of The Ashes 6/10
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Reactions: H.P. Lovecraft
Alright, I'm calling it.

1) Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes - 8.06 @Slayed Necros
2) Symphony X - Out Of The Ashes - 7.56 @H.P. Lovecraft
3) Cathedral - Ashes You Leave - 7.25 @Sirjack
4) Limelight - Ashes to Ashes - 7.06 @no country for old wainds
4) Suicidal Winds - Ashes From a Past Life - 7.06 @CASSETTEISGOD
6) Megadeth - Ashes in Your Mouth - 6.63 @EspaDa
7) God Macabre - Ashes Of Mourning Life - 6.57 @Phylactery
8) Exiled Force - Axiz to Ashes - 6.50 @Baroque
9) Dark Willennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be - 6.42 @HamburgerBoy
10) Revelation - Ashes - 5.00 @Omni
11) In This Moment - Ashes - 4.50 @arg

Slayed Necros appears to be the winner, but he did not submit ratings. I think it's fair to say that such a scenario should result in a forfeit to the next best song. Therefore, H.P. Lovecraft is the winner. This is why it's important to rate the songs if you have any expectation of winning. It doesn't matter so much that Omni neglected to rate, since she had no chance anyway, although CIG singlehandedly rescued that song from last place.
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So, just to clarify, I can have No Wainds handle the final count for ratings, yes? I don't know if I'll have time in the end, so I'm just curious. I also don't want to push it off on him if he can't or really doesn't want to. I'll come up with a theme in the next few hours or so. I can handle making the playlist.