Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

You're being dishonest as usual anyways, because I can easily find interviews where he mentions his Sabbath influence. "John Brenner" + "Layne Staley" barely even returns any results.
Cathedral, Ashes You Leave - 6.5/10, Thunderous riff kicking it off, superlative riffage throughout the song as a whole too. Powerful, distinct, and crisp slow tempo drumming, growly/screamy sneering vocal performance is eminently convincing. Superb time change around the 3 minute mark, it's always sonically intriguing speeding up doom metal, and it makes way for a badass solo, so that's cool too. Differentiation in riffing just before the 5 minute mark saves it from slight monotony. Thematic.

Limelight, Ashes To Ashes - 6/10, Seriously reminiscent of UFO's Doctor Doctor, Saxon-esque melodic guitar leads, good singer, subtle breakdown is enjoyable, guitar solo blisters and burns. There's an inexplicable disjointed feeling to it though, not quite as epically cohesive as it could be. Thematic.

Megadeth, Ashes In Your Mouth - 8/10, Classic, frenetic Megadeth arrangement, one of my favorite things about it (and a lot of Megadeth songs) is how all the instruments sound like they're whipping their heads around like a crackhead spying for potential assailants while walking home at night, as if they could jump out of the mix at any time and break out sprinting for their lives. Virtuosic guitar and bass, good ole Dave laying out jeering, ultra-unorthodox, punk-flavored vocals as always, the drums exemplify the tempo switches the best, guitar solo is a raging, flawless beast, carries the songs's general mood without making any concessions. Slightly repetitive. Thematic.

God Macabre, Ashes of Mourning Life - 7/10, Passable guitar riffing in the slower tempo segment, improves drastically once the song accelerates, Cookie Monster Syndrome is mildly present but tolerable in this case, cool groove becomes incorporated on the rhythm guitar a little after two minutes in, I like it. Admirably frantic tempo increases. Thematic.

In This Moment, Ashes - 1.5/10, First succession of notes and my arg senses are tingling like a metal detector in an over saturated tetanus culture. Clicky, unimpressive, and lifeless excuse for drumming, particularly on the bass drums, may as well use a drum machine, it may actually sound less synthetic and faggy. Clean vocals are woefully un-dynamic with abysmal tonality, guitarist is abhorrent, I've heard less uninspired playing from certified plagiarists, screams are inhaled and are the epitome of horrendously executed screaming technique. This lady has all the unparalleled vocal prowess of a partially disemboweled, asthmatic alley cat. Thematic.

Revelation, Ashes - 6/10, Lightly doomy with passable vocals, I can dig this. Bonafide badassery in the guitar solo and its phrasing. Decent collection of riffs. Thematic.

Ulysses Siren, Above The Ashes - 7.5/10, Enraged gallop of guitar and bass, drums follow fantastically. Palm-mute chug riffs are uniquely phrased, not too shabby on those drums fills either, guitar sounds like it's trying to break down my door and rape me to death. Ferocious animal of vocalist, great screams and lean, screeching intonation, guitar solo is duly intense, magnificent song. Thematic.

Exiled Force, Axiz To Ashes - 6/10, Low-fi fuzz thrash, decent guitar playing, drums stand out to me, awesome tone, reasonably good vocalist, seamless rhythmic breaks and speed-ups, gives a generally underpowered vibe off, might be the low-fi nature of the production congesting the true scorching power of the band's sonic approach. Sorta repetitious. Thematic.

Suicidal Winds, Ashes From a Past Life - 6.5/10, Badass foreboding riffage, competent black metal vocals, drums do their job damn well, the wind-up intervals could pronounce the guitar a tad more, and the finale is glorious. Thematic.

Dark Millennium, Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be - 5/10, Chunky guitar, becomes somewhat awkward in its pairing with the vocals, singer sounds a little lost initially, drums are meh, guitar soloing is marvelous, the mild acoustic injections are cool, singer finally finds himself, decent stuff. Thematic.

Symphony X, Out of The Ashes - 8/10, Baroque keyboards, tinkling guitar, chuggy licks, clean powerhouse vocals, though they're tonally bland at times, light choral parts are great, soloing is Yngwie clone to the max, there's a mesmerizing 80's synth rock air to it that's really kickin' too. Thematic.