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Cathedral - Ashes You Leave - 6
i can tell this is good doom but im not a doomhead

Limelight - Ashes to Ashes - 7
id rate this higher but the singer could be better

Megadeth - Ashes in Your Mouth - 7
see above

God Macabre - Ashes Of Mourning Life - 6
sounds pretty upbeat considering the title

In This Moment - Ashes - 10
very melodic and headbangable. love her vocals in the refrain

Revelation - Ashes - 2
song is long and slow, depressing riffs, nasal singer. recipe for an unhappy aug

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes - 8
production sucks and the vocals could be more brutal but song still manages to kick ass

Exiled Force - Axiz to Ashes - 8
very decent but if youre gonna have some chugging parts it better be amazing otherwise just keep thrashing

Suicidal Winds - Ashes From a Past Life - 10
oh shit this is fucking great. did not see that one coming. this is what bm should sound like

Dark Millennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be - 6

Symphony X - Out Of The Ashes - 9
Cathedral - 8 Good doom
Limelight - 5 Belongs in Non-metal mixtape
Megadeth - 7 Not their best
God Macabre - 8 Pretty good
In This Moment - 6 I like her harsh vocals for a female, some parts are annoying though
Revelation - 4 boring
Ulysses Siren - 9 Solid
Exiled Force - 7 cookie cutter underground thrash, some cool moments
Suicidal Winds - 7 good pace, some guitar riffs are too simple
Dark Millenium - 9 Great band
Symphony X - 9 I really shouldn't like this, but the neoclassicism is still spectacular. Symphony X was one of my first metal bands. This song is like Queen in metal form.
Cathedral - Ashes You Leave

Intro sounds ripped off from Falling off the Edge of the World or some other Dio-era Sabbath song or something. This is still alright, a thousand times better than the horrible stoner rock on the next album, but Cathedral beyond Forest of Equilibrium still doesn’t do much for me. Actually, some of the stuff towards last third was pretty nice, I guess I like aggressive Cathedral a lot more than lackadaisical Cathedral. 6/10.

Limelight - Ashes to Ashes

Never heard these guys, nice melodic stuff. 7/10.

Megadeth - Ashes in Your Mouth

This is a pretty decent song that shows he still had some great riffs left in him, but at the same time it also tends to sound like a vastly inferior rewrite of Holy Wars. Takes about 2 minutes for the song to really get good, although it does feel overlong. 7/10.

God Macabre - Ashes Of Mourning Life

Like all the other retro-OSSDM I’ve heard, very nice and vintage production, boring song. Oh wait, this is 1993? Lol, for some reason the cover art looked a little too clean and the sound a little too powerful to be vintage. Doesn’t change my rating. 4/10.

In This Moment – Ashes


Lol, yeah this sounds like MySpace metal. Listenable tbh though, female vocals work surprisingly well, makes me a tad nostalgic even though I didn't even listen to this kind of shit back then. 5/10.

Revelation – Ashes

Wow this was generic. Riffs repeat themselves forever, arrangement is uninspired, singer is a poor Ozzy knock-off. The faster portion of the solo was the only saving grace. 3/10.

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes

This is pretty much a top 10 thrash album for me, a massive shame they wrote so little. A perfect fusion of choppy buzzsaw thrash aggression, boisterous USPM melody, and technical musicianship. I get chills every time just hearing the intro to this song. 10/10.

Exiled Force - Axiz to Ashes

Nice contrast to show the difference between 80s thrash songwriting and 2000s thrash song writing. 3/10.

Suicidal Winds - Ashes From a Past Life

Getting those blackened surf rock vibes already, liking this. Aw, only the intro/outro. Not bad for black/thrash though, good performance even though the riffing is pretty generic. 6/10.

Dark Millennium - Of Sceptre Their Ashes May Be

One of the better songs on the album, although definitely still a step down from the first one. Still some weird songwriting for what is basically doom metal. 7/10.

Symphony X - Out Of The Ashes

That twinkly Warcraft 2 intro made me laugh. I don’t like very much Symphony X outside of Paradise Lost, but this song was nice, short but still managed to showcase the speed metal, Euro power style, and groovy prog metal sounds of the band all in one sub-4 minute jam. 7/10.
Cathedral - 8/10 Good heavy stuff but could be shorter

Limelight - 7.5/10 Barely metal but I would rate it much higher if so

Megadeth - 8/10 Classic Megadeth, not their best but still great

God Macabre - 7.5/10 Really nice tune

In This Moment - 4/10 Strange

Revelation - 3/10 Bored me to death

Ulysses Siren - Good riffs 7/10

Exiled Force - Fairly good but overlong 6/10

Suicidal Winds - Decent 5/10

Dark Millennium -

Symphony X - Not bad man I liked it 7.5/10
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In the rough nasally ballpark and similar vocal melodies. How does it "not make sense" that a doom metal vocalist might try to sound like the original doom metal frontman?
They don't sound alike and John Brenner sings with a different style and approach than Ozzy Osbourne. They are extremely different. The vocal melodies in Revelation also don't follow the guitar parts like they do in Black Sabbath. Very different singer.

John Brenner also displays a clear influence from 1980s-1990s alternative rock singers (mainly grunge) and uses the same type of sustained enunciation that you'll see in those bands. Ozzy Osbourne definitely did not display that tendency.
Ozzy doesn't only follow guitar lines, have you listened to any Black Sabbath that isn't Iron Man?

Which alternative rock/grunge singers?
Ozzy Osbourne follows the guitar melodies in tons of Black Sabbath songs. His vocal parts are also incomparable to the ones in Revelation because they're dependent on rhyming verse-chorus structures that define the meter of what he sings, unlike Revelation where this doesn't occur. They don't sing in the same vocal range, sing in a similar meter or sing similar vocal melodies.

John Brenner's influences include singers like Layne Staley and John Garcia, both of whom use sustained droning vocals during parts of their songs that he coincidentally also uses heavily. Ozzy Osbourne does not.

Musically, Trouble, Soundgarden and Rush are among the many bands that Brenner cited as influences on his songwriting. He also plays guitar in the band. That isn't relevant to the current discussion, but I feel like it's worth mentioning since Revelation is one of the cool Baltimore bands with these influences. Their fans should check out Unorthodox.
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Where do you hear "sustained droning vocals" in that Revelation song? He hardly sustains shit, he just moans through most of it. The song in the playlist was recorded before Dirt and Blues for the Red Sun even came out.

Unorthodox is a horrible band and I implore everyone reading this discussion not to listen to them, btw. The worst elements of retro doom and alternative rock mixed into one.
Nobody who would like Unorthodox would take your posts seriously, so they're in vain.

This album was recorded before albums that aren't the debut albums for those bands came out? Interesting.
lol, so you're seriously going to tell me that Revelation recorded multiple albums, listened to Facelift, and then the singer said "Hey I'm changing my style to sound like Stayley now"?
I gave two examples of singers that John Brenner was influenced by. There are others too. Weirdly enough, he has mentioned being influenced by grunge, alternative rock and stoner rock in interviews and is also friends without Dale Flood from Unorthodox, another band with similar influences from the same city and time period.

Whether you like it or not, he doesn't sing in the same range or style as Ozzy Osbourne.
Based on the above song, he does sing in a lower register than Ozzy. He still sings similar vocal melodies and carries a similar nasal inflection.

The verse melody, his signing tone, his range, and everything else clearly come closer to Ozzy and Layne.

EDIT: This forum is stupid, but those are supposed to redirect to 2m9s, 45s, and 20s respectively.