Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

I'm gonna give this game a go again. I only played once, meat was the theme as I recall. Not sure why I stopped... probably just the sheer amount of games to keep up with.
"On base" tastes in music are not exactly a virtue.

So it's better to like things that people generally agree suck?

The rating is not why it's good, it's just proof that I'm not alone in thinking it's good. Also if something has an average rating of like 40%, there's definitely a reason why. Same goes for high ratings.
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I've never played this one before but I came up with two really gnarly picks so I decided to give it a go. The regular game is lame as shit right now.
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Someone stole my pick!

Learn to play fingerstyle then.

Goes to show how far off base this forum's tastes are, as it is rated 95%+ on metallum and considered a top album of the genre by many. Well. We'll see.

Reviews on Metal-archives are not necessarily a reliable metric when it's averaged from only a few reviews. RYM gives a much bigger sample size, although its a bit of an apples and oranges comparison because the former requires a full-fledged written review to accompany one's score whereas the latter only requires numerical scores.

So it's better to like things that people generally agree suck?

The rating is not why it's good, it's just proof that I'm not alone in thinking it's good. Also if something has an average rating of like 40%, there's definitely a reason why. Same goes for high ratings.

It simply indicates that it's well-regarding among fans of that particular sub-genre. Angel Witch's S/T has a 93% rating based on 11 reviews; does that make you off base for not liking it?
Nah angel witch is shit, it has literally zero musical merit. Rated highly by plebs with no taste/education

How do you honestly enjoy it? The lyrics are elementary. They rhyme "you" with "you" and, "away" with "way". The chorus is the same sentence which contains the band's name 4x. It has a pop song structure. It's about love but does not convey love at all. It did nothing new even for its time.

Could you cry a little more about these games?

Cry more about me crying more?
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Are we allowed to include words like 'beautiful' for this?

EDIT: Actually, forget it, I have one I think won't be picked anyways
If you say: 'having "on base" musical tastes is not a virtue,' then the contrapositive is: 'it's a virtue to have "off base" musical tastes.'

By logical equivalency, it Is what you said.

False dichotomy, I simply don't see a consensus as valuable when it comes to art, which is entirely subjective. If you value base when it comes to music you like, you inevitably set yourself up for hypocrisy when it comes to a band you don't like.

You already proved that point with Angel Witch who are a universally well-considered "classic" band.
Nah angel witch is shit, it has literally zero musical merit. Rated highly by plebs with no taste/education

This is actually hilarious. Your (entirely shitty) point has just been turned around on you and now your comeback is that Angel Witch are only rated highly by plebs, whereas the ratings for your pick on MA are obviously by highly intelligent people with great taste. Just ridiculous.

Another example that counters this is Transilvanian Hunger's average of 87% based on 24 reviews on MA. But again you'll just say these reviews are from uneducated people with no taste because you don't like it. Let's just completely disregard the fact that Darkthone's members are more than capable musicians. however they decided to put their talents to making minimalistic songs dripping with atmosphere rather than showing off their instrumental capabilities. The fact that this is no easy task is evidenced by fans of this style not enjoying plenty of minimalistic bedroom black metal acts because they don't have the songwriting capabilities of Darkthrone. Flawless logic.
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