
Anyway, why the "lol 18" quip? People would probably be able to take you a lot more seriously if you stopped resorting to childish personal insults all the time, Joe.
Best not to say at all, talking to him just fuels it.

Truth spoken, I was just blown away!

Clearly a joke. Jesus people. Also who gives a fuck, as soon as I finished that wall of text I instantly thought to myself WHO FUCKING CARES!

Indeed, indeed. I was uncertain Joe, some of the shit you say... you know? Let's just be honest.
...and plus, not everyone who smokes 'weed' is useless to society!
While I agree that there are many useless stoner idiots who can barely make a sentence, there are also many people who smoke in their free time,
not every day, and enjoy it much like some people enjoy Happy hour... sheesh.
pfff... I bet she could handle more shit than you tbh

What kind of statement is that? Who cares Karen!

And :lol: marijuana is not a drug that should have any real effect on you unless you're a new smoker or only smoke like once a month. Other than a nice buzzed feeling that lasts maybe 15 mins before it begins to fade (1.5-2 hours until it's completely gone and you need to smoke again was the time for me), it shouldn't do anything else that may inhibit you in any way (IE: Being too stoned to function/complete a task). It's not like alcohol.

I've seen people 'green out' but I've never personally had that happen and I don't know for certian if they got sick from the weed or if something else was a factor.
...and plus, not everyone who smokes 'weed' is useless to society!
While I agree that there are many useless stoner idiots who can barely make a sentence, there are also many people who smoke in their free time,
not every day, and enjoy it much like some people enjoy Happy hour... sheesh.

I totally agree, and I didn't say that was the case. I know a lot of people who smoke weed and function great, but a vast majority (especially younger people) are those stoner useless idiots.
Karen, you're wrong, because Joe knows a bunch of stoner idiots, so that means they're all that way!
Seriously Joe, you need to learn that your experiences =/= true everywhere and for everyone. Hell, my roommates freshman year smoked AT LEAST once a day (from a bong!!), yet they still hold down jobs and are getting degree's from a university. After which they'll probably won't be working at a Circuit City.
What kind of statement is that? Who cares Karen!

I love it how you spit your venom and then take it back like it was 'a joke, sheesh can't you see!'

You did say (and I quote) "lol @ being 18 and not being able to handle her high" I'm sorry... mister 'im only 3 years older than you' but I still think Isabel can probably handle more shit than you.
Just sayin'
Anyway, why the "lol 18" quip? People would probably be able to take you a lot more seriously if you stopped resorting to childish personal insults all the time, Joe.

:lol: Dude... QUIP: 1 a: a clever usually taunting remark; a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment.


Truth spoken, I was just blown away!

Indeed, indeed. I was uncertain Joe, some of the shit you say... you know? Let's just be honest.
Yeah I don't blame you. Let the guard down a bit though folks!
I love it how you spit your venom and then take it back like it was 'a joke, sheesh can't you see!'

You did say (and I quote) "lol @ being 18 and not being able to handle her high" I'm sorry... mister 'im only 3 years older than you' but I still think Isabel can probably handle more shit than you.
Just sayin'

Well it was a joke, not what a said to her it was more of a smartass remark. Not meant to be malicious and offend her though.

And btw is that supposed to make you go off on a tyrade of how much more weed I can smoke and booze I can drink than her? Who cares. And 3 years is a lot of life experience. But meh, I see what you're trying to do and while I admire your trolling attempt it's rather weak :lol:

Karen, you're wrong, because Joe knows a bunch of stoner idiots, so that means they're all that way!
Seriously Joe, you need to learn that your experiences =/= true everywhere and for everyone. Hell, my roommates freshman year smoked AT LEAST once a day (from a bong!!), yet they still hold down jobs and are getting degree's from a university. After which they'll probably won't be working at a Circuit City.

Isn't that what I said all along :lol: