
Being lonely sucks, but it's counterproductive to go searching for a guy to "land". I'll tell you the same thing I told Det Som: you shouldn't live your life with the objective of "finding" a partner. If you go looking for one, it'll show, and you'll attract all the wrong people. Some people can actually sense when someone is lonely, and therefore vulnerable to emotional manipulation. Meeting someone is one of the things in life you have no control over, no matter how much effort you do, so don't actively try, because it's no use, and in fact, counterproductive, because you'll attract people looking to take advantage of you.

Perhaps I made myself out to be some man-hunter right now, but I'm not. Which is why I'm still single. I'm waiting because the guys I've met so far haven't been for me (either they smoke, can't handle their drinks, or there was no physical attraction). So I don't think emotional manipulation factors in. The last guy I dated, I found him and asked him out. I don't know what I'm trying to say other than I'm just sick of waiting, yet I'll continue to do so because I won't compromise myself. I just wanted to complain. :erk:

But thanks Stormo. Though I knew most of what you said, it was good to hear it from someone else. :)
No, THIS is:



Man, what a long thread, I never actually read it, I will do so tonight.
(either they smoke, can't handle their drinks, or there was no physical attraction).

What? So according to you, if someone is a smoker, they could be your jedi knight in shining armor but because you don't like smokers then you won't even give them a chance? What if he's turns out to be the love of your life and quits smoking?

Having high standards is a good thing, but completely negating someone because of a habit YOU feel is bad doesn't mean you have high standards, that just makes you a character on Seinfeld. What about people who smell like soup? :lol:

Just sayin' that if you loosened up a bit you may find that that empty place in your heart wouldn't be so empty. You're a really attractive young girl and you're just setting yourself up for failure without giving people a chance. That's like saying "I'll never go out with someone who isn't a Star Wars fanatic".

Have a sense of adventure. A good relationship isn't about just liking the same things; it's about what you can learn from each other.
Well let's see, there's the smell... there's the second hand smoke... there's the ashes and butts... the yellow teeth... the health hazards... the way EVERYTHING starts smelling like stale tobacco... the nasty fingers... the frequent smoke breaks... the smoker's cough...

Go ahead and argue some of those apply to weed as well. But unless you're a truly snooty motherfucker there's no way you can't say those aren't less annoying with marijuana, if they even exist at all.
Oh absolutely that stuff is disgusting. I just don't understand people's complete aversion to smokers when they do things like frequently eat at fast food restaurants. Let's see...

Obesity, heart disease (which is the #1 killer today), bad breath (which goes with smoking too), oily and blemished skin, etc.

I laugh my ass off at people who are disgusted by smokers yet have no problem polishing off a quintuple whopper. All I'm saying is that smokers aren't the bane of all existence as everyone in the states who is on this anti-smoking kick think they are. Smokers are treated like second-class citizens yet it's ok to eat like a fucking pig and have a triple bypass by the time you're 50 AS LONG AS YOU AREN'T SMOKING!

Last year I couldn't believe all the health commercials I saw which were immediately followed by fast food commercials. A smoker is no more disgusting than a lard ass.

Just sayin' we should be a little more even-handed with our criticism of others' habits in which we view as disgusting.
Smoking is pretty disgusting though.


Well let's see, there's the smell... there's the second hand smoke... there's the ashes and butts... the yellow teeth... the health hazards... the way EVERYTHING starts smelling like stale tobacco... the nasty fingers... the frequent smoke breaks... the smoker's cough...

Go ahead and argue some of those apply to weed as well. But unless you're a truly snooty motherfucker there's no way you can't say those aren't less annoying with marijuana, if they even exist at all.


Are you serious Kevin? Marijuana in the end does the same shit and worse to you as smoking. Sure you don't get high from smoking, but it does feel great as hell. I'd rather date a broad with yellowed teeth from smoking than have a grey ring around her mouth from smoking bongs 24/7.

Side Note: Plus everyone I personally know who smokes bongs is a fucking uber burn out and is pretty much useless to society. Sure there are exceptions to the rule but in my personal experience, especially with the younger crowd, the joint smokers are the ones who will puff a quick doobie on their lunch break and go back to work, and the bong pullers are the ones who sit in a crowded room with a bunch of other burn outs doing nothing but pull bowl after bowl.
lol @ implying stoners that smoke joints are different from stoners that smoke bongs. Also, lol @ implying some people only smoke joints and some only smoke bongs. What are you talking about?! hahahah. And who's gonna fuckin bring a bong to work to smoke on their lunch breaks? hahahaha goddamn man do you type just to see your own words on a screen?

Seriously Joe, you should just bite your tongue sometimes. This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen from you.

And finally, show me a motherfucking picture of ANYONE with a grey ring around their mouth from smoking bongs too often. I've never heard of anything like that in my life.
lol @ implying stoners that smoke joints are different from stoners that smoke bongs.

There is a difference man. It's not universal but it seems that bongs smokers are the people who get together in a small crowded room, they rip bongs all day, sharing a bong or two amongst the crowd. They all get right high then are fucking burnt out hardcore for hours until they rip the next session. Joint smokers are the ones who get together in a small crowded room for 10 minutes, finish their joints then go out and do stuff, and maybe even continue to smoke once they get to their destination as well.

Also, lol @ implying some people only smoke joints and some only smoke bongs.

Uh.... it's completely true. Keep in mind Kevin I used to smoke. A lot.

From what I've seen, people who smoke bongs don't like to smoke joints because A) It doesn't get them as high (bongs get you really high for a short period of time but you get way more fucking burnt out after, as opposed to joints where you can just smoke them all day every 2 hours and it's like a continuous high) and B) It's a waste of weed in their eyes, 1 joint is like 2-3 bowls for them and they get way more baked from that than they would from smoking 2 joints (which is what most habitual smokers need to get really high.

Joint smokers don't like bongs because they just cough like a motherfucker from it and it's more convenient and quicker to just roll a joint than clean the bong, fill it with water, pull the bowl, unplug it if it's clogged, wait for their turn while someone else is using it in a social situation, and hide it when they're done. Joints are more social because you can just pass them around a lot faster than a bong. And you don't need to hide anything (well, it's a lot easier to hide papers than a bong).

And finally, show me a motherfucking picture of ANYONE with a grey ring around their mouth from smoking bongs too often. I've never heard of anything like that in my life.

And yes, the dark/grey ring around the lips is completely fucking true. Why would I make that shit up :lol: I don't lie about myself online. I've seen it on a lot of people who rip bongs all day long (my guess is it's from the part of the mouth that is constantly exposed to smoke in the actual tube). In fact there was a bunch of kids I used to chill with who would always laugh at me because I couldn't pull a full bong cuz I ruined my lungs with joints and my reply was always a remark about that fucking disgusting grey stain. Alternatively, Joint smokers who don't use roach clips will get MAD orange/brown fingers tips (I used to have that shit bad and used nailclippers to remove the coloured, calloused skin).

What are you talking about?! hahahah. And who's gonna fuckin bring a bong to work to smoke on their lunch breaks?
People who smoke bongs really don't have jobs, that's my point ;)