
Here's a confession: I desire to know any and all negative thoughts from forumers on me. This isn't a journey of inner self, I'm just bored and feel you fuckers know me enough to tell the truth.

Have at you!
No, THIS is:

Here's a confession: I desire to know any and all negative thoughts from forumers on me. This isn't a journey of inner self, I'm just bored and feel you fuckers know me enough to tell the truth.

Have at you!

I wub you! I can't do it! Your always making me laugh my ass off, you have some of the greatest fart jokes. I cannot! *folds arms* :cry:
Dahveed...really, i cant think of anything negative to say about you..
but i do have something to say though regarding you...i know you have trouble with social situations but i think this is unnecessary...youre cool and funny and you shouldnt hide it from the outside world..
My head tells me to forget someone but my heart won't let me and I've been miserable for the past week or so. I'm convinced that I need to land a guy to replace the one that's the root of these issues, but haven't been able to find anyone that meets my stupidly high standards. I'm so sick of being lonely like this with heartache on top of that.
Being lonely sucks, but it's counterproductive to go searching for a guy to "land". I'll tell you the same thing I told Det Som: you shouldn't live your life with the objective of "finding" a partner. If you go looking for one, it'll show, and you'll attract all the wrong people. Some people can actually sense when someone is lonely, and therefore vulnerable to emotional manipulation. Meeting someone is one of the things in life you have no control over, no matter how much effort you do, so don't actively try, because it's no use, and in fact, counterproductive, because you'll attract people looking to take advantage of you.

I know being alone is a bummer, but you're always better off alone than with someone who's with you for the wrong reasons.
Yeah, I prefer the spontaneous meetings anyway. That's how my current relationship began, and it's been my longest and most fulfilling yet. Going out and actively hunting for people, going on dates and such, makes it feel like job hunting, and that definitely seems like the wrong attitude to bring into a relationship.
I smelled some marijuana smoke in Vietnam!

I was the one who cancelled Star Trek!

I left my Porsche keys inside Mrs Glick!