Controversial non-metal opinions

Edit: And you always bring up the fact that I like hip hop as an attempt to invalidate my opinion, try something new. You like Creed & Nickelback for fuck's sake.

Not to invalidate, just to question how you could apply the term boring when you seem happy with other quite simplistic and repetative stuff.

Yes indeed I do and always have enjoyed my share of straight forward rockers, thus why I enjoy me some Creed, 3 Doors Down and Nickleback to only name a few, my taste has been unvaried for 40 years, I have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Twas not me that used the term boring, nor like me to make a statement unwilling to explain why I have.

Just so its clear, Im talking to STN here, we can actually pull it off, save the spoonin for somewhere else "fellas"
STN - to further the question of average and boring, how is this average and boring circa 1975 ? I was rather excited by it myself. Rush wasnt for everyone but it doesnt seem average and boring was their issue with them. At that time it was either too heavy, too all over the place, Gettys shrill voice or all of the above.

Should be some decent bass playing here you could respect
another side of Rush, same year different album, not a popular song amounst prog Rush fans but one I always enjoyed, to me has a somewhat funk/rock feel... by way of white canooks :)
Not to invalidate, just to question how you could apply the term boring when you seem happy with other quite simplistic and repetative stuff.

But you're comparing apples & oranges, one really has nothing to do with the other apart from the fact that they're both music.

Yes indeed I do and always have enjoyed my share of straight forward rockers, thus why I enjoy me some Creed, 3 Doors Down and Nickleback to only name a few, my taste has been unvaried for 40 years, I have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Twas not me that used the term boring, nor like me to make a statement unwilling to explain why I have.

Ok, let me put it this way: You know how you find it astounding and amazing that anyone could possibly like hip hop because it has in your opinion not a single redeeming musical feature to recommend it? That's how I feel about Creed and Nickelback. Do I bring up the fact that you happen to like these bands that I despise with every fibre of my being often? No I don't.

I found the tracks you posted ok, probably better than the material I'd judged the band by previously, but still pretty average. They sound like a pretty good Led Zep clone.
Ok, let me put it this way: You know how you find it astounding and amazing that anyone could possibly like hip hop because it has in your opinion not a single redeeming musical feature to recommend it? That's how I feel about Creed and Nickelback. Do I bring up the fact that you happen to like these bands that I despise with every fibre of my being often? No I don't.

again it was to question your use of the terms average and boring, that I beleive that was lame critique considering some of your other music, not my fault that your primary example of simplistic music is hiphop, dont be offended by it, it was a comparision I could make knowing your taste in music

I found the tracks you posted ok, probably better than the material I'd judged the band by previously, but still pretty average. They sound like a pretty good Led Zep clone.

interestingly the critics at the time stated them as the "next" LZ, it was common at the time, they said the same about Queen. However when I finally got a copy, being a total LZ freak previously I could not make a single connection other than Getty sang in the same range and they were "heavy". Musically I dont see them approaching their progressions, riffs and rhythms or composition anything alike. Rush at that time was a whole new avenue and I still cant seem to find a reasonable explaination for "average". LZ comparisions would also imply LZ was also average in the early 70's, then assuming Rush was a clone to make them average, and then needing another handful of bands to meet the critieria of "average", naw thats a head scratcher to me, little was average outside of pop in the early 70's, most outwardly thinking bands had their own thing going on.

Do you have a pre 75 LZ song you could show to illustrate a cloning ?
Drop your guard and give them a few more listens in the context of 1975 not all you have heard since. Rush was an awesome thing to have happen to music.
not my fault that your primary example of simplistic music is hiphop

You brought it up, not me!

Do you have a pre 75 LZ song you could show to illustrate a cloning ?

The second song you posted reminds me of Over The Hills And Far Away:


Drop your guard and give them a few more listens in the context of 1975 not all you have heard since. Rush was an awesome thing to have happen to music.

I'm not going to be completely closed to the possibility that they have some stuff I may like, like I said I haven't heard much but what I've heard didn't impress me. Maybe I came to the party too late or something. Also as I originally said I'm just trying to spark a bit of discussion in this section of the forum, it's been deader than dead around here lately...
yes, I would guess too late to the party, I dont think your much on progressive music anyhow ?

I think those two songs are quite a bit different. Lakeside Park is totally upbeat, with horns it could more closely be a Chicago song. Bands like Zebra showed more direct Zep influence IMO, but Zep influence is undeniable since. Clone seems to be overstateing, as does average and boring. Not your thing is more like it.
Rush are an extremely talented band. Listen to 2112 and Hemispheres for songwriting, musicianship and album structure. For me, these are their best. If you don't like Rush for whatever reason, well, different strokes man.
Electropop is great, and Lady Gaga is an amazing and talented artist.

Also most classic rock is really, really lame.
I haven't heard much, just some of their really early stuff that was recommended to me as being their best material. Tried a few other bits & pieces as well. Did nothing for me at all.

Edit: And you always bring up the fact that I like hip hop as an attempt to invalidate my opinion, try something new. You like Creed & Nickelback for fuck's sake.

Which of the early stuff have you heard? I didn't really get into Rush's stuff until I picked up 2112