Controversial non-metal opinions

Lady Gaga is not as bad an artist as many people view her.
The Beatles are not as great of artists as many people view them.
Taylor Swift is not that great an artist.
Modern country music, in general, is terribly banal.
Much of the electronic dance music made today is also terribly banal.
Blues music is incredibly boring. The old gritty stuff like Muddy Waters is okay once in a while, but that saccharine, overproduced bullshit like BB King can fucking die.
Hmm, I guess not, but would it be controversial if I said it beats every genre except for metal? And even then, it's better than some metal. It's easily better than classic rock, modern rock, all pop music and country music.

actually id say classical is pretty much tops, especially the romantic and modern eras.
Now that's a little controversial :P
It's definitely better than Nu Metal and metalcore, but that's probably not to controversial considering most people here would shun those genres (with good reason too).
Now that's a little controversial :P
It's definitely better than Nu Metal and metalcore, but that's probably not to controversial considering most people here would shun those genres (with good reason too).

comparing classical to nu metal is like comparing Michaelangelo to rectal herpes. :tickled:
Hmm... I can't stand Aerosmith. Everyone I tell this to seems to think it blasphemous.

I used to feel the same way... but their 70's stuff really grew on me after listening to the entire albums. Not a favorite of mine but still good stuff.
Hmm... I can't stand Aerosmith. Everyone I tell this to seems to think it blasphemous.

Same. I have a friend who is obsessed with them and it drives me insane. I don't have the heart to tell him I think they suck. They do have a few great songs though, but all in all I dislike them.
I used to hate The Beatles. Then I listened to their albums.

I was almost at this phase a few weeks ago. I thought, well everyone likes them so they must be good. Then I heard someone else listening to "Hey Jude" (or June?) and thought it was the most insipid poppy rubbish I'd ever heard. That put me off checking them out for at least the next few years.
omg. this thread made my day. im forwarding it to everyone I work with at rockworldeast. they'll get a kick out of it too. bahahaha! thanks!