Controversial non-metal opinions

So I'm going to post a few love and hate's in classic rock. I'm sure a few are controversial but fuck you wankers i don't care.

I love: The Allman Brothers, Floyd, Zeppelin, The Doors, Beatles, Sabbath, Deep Purple, King Crimson, Yes, Cream, Blind Faith, Robin Trower, Camel, Moody Blues, UFO, Rolling Stones

Hates: Rush (except for Temple of Syrinx because Geddy barely sings)
Elton John
Billy Joel
The Who
Dio era Sabbath
...basically anything gay

You got all these spot on, except I don't agree with the Beatles. Although the only really controversial one is probably Rush. I never saw what was so great about them.

And props for mentioning the Moody Blues. One of the best progressive bands ever, and probably the most criminally underrated.
That is really controversial for me Belligerent. I like most of your first bands alot, you already know most of them. But Im just as crazy about most of the bands your saying you dont get. So I conclude Gettys shrill voice bothers you, OK thats understandable but the entire Caress of Steel album is excellent and you are robbing yourself... lol I only have Queens first album and its got some great music on it... maybe more progressive music is against your enjoyable rehlm ? Have no Elton but always enjoyed him on the radio more than most that were played around his songs. Billy Joel... man his first few albums were excellent and I can enjoy up through to The Stranger but didnt follow after that. Supertramp and the Who I get, never a big fan, specially The Who, just the select songs we have already heard too many times. Supertramp had their own thing and it was alright at the time. Anything with Dio is great. Aerosmiths first two albums were excellent as well. Said it before AC/DC is great good time music, no pressure in AC/DC just good music to rock out to. As for the gay comment.... you like Blind Faith and want to point the gay finger in other directions ? HA! the joke is on you man ! :lol:
Moody Blues ? .... definantly gay and highly rated by the feminine gender while highly ignored by the male species.
lol that's completely untrue...I'm not a huge fan of the Beatles either, but saying their influence on music was close to zero? That's just ignorance.
You obviously haven't heard the massive amount of Beatles clones in indie rock and pop rock (Polyphonic Spree for one and Jet) and they have probably one of the longest lasting legacies in the history of rock n roll...hell, their legacy is still going strong, it's nearly impossible to come from a developed country and never hear a Beatles song in your life.
And John Lennon isn't a legend? Come on man, where do you come up with this stuff?

On a completely different note, I'm glad to see a few John Mayer fans on here :D...most of the metal listeners I know are completely ignorant of his skill and the quality of his music, just cuz it's pop and they don't wanna come close to it...the Trio is especially awesome I find.

As much as I dislike the Beatles, I can't deny their influence. Without them we wouldn't have bands like Pink Floyd, Genesis, Jethro Tull, etc. However, all the aforementioned bands surpassed anything the Beatles ever did, which is why I tend to frown upon unconditional Beatles respect. They have to be credited with being revolutionary in rock history and in studio recording techniques; but other than that, they pale in comparison to other bands during and immediately after the initial British Invasion.
You got all these spot on,
And props for mentioning the Moody Blues. One of the best progressive bands ever, and probably the most criminally underrated.
:cool:Moody Blues have timeless classics. Nights in White Satin is quite possibly the saddest and most powerful song ever.
Moody Blues ? .... definantly gay and highly rated by the feminine gender while highly ignored by the male species.
On The Threshold of A Dream and Seventh Sojourn are both overlooked classics. Nothing even remotely gay about either one of those albums. Maybe some of their 80's stuff was sub par but thats all. As far as Billy Joel and Elton, most would say they have written great songs and I can agree on a few but songs like Rocket Man by Elton and Piano Man by Billy Joel I want to stab my eardrums out whenever I hear these type of overplayed songs.
:cool:Moody Blues have timeless classics. Nights in White Satin is quite possibly the saddest and most powerful song ever.
On The Threshold of A Dream and Seventh Sojourn are both overlooked classics. Nothing even remotely gay about either one of those albums. Maybe some of their 80's stuff was sub par but thats all. As far as Billy Joel and Elton, most would say they have written great songs and I can agree on a few but songs like Rocket Man by Elton and Piano Man by Billy Joel I want to stab my eardrums out whenever I hear these type of overplayed songs.
Nights in White Satan is a great song, I dont put it in most powerful but close enough, I see your point. I had a CD for awhile a girlfriend of mine thought I'd like, which I did just not alot. They stay down in the drone too much for me and I certainly dont get the one of the best progressive bands ever comment Challenge made. "Singer in RnR Band" had a great bass line.

I hear you on "Piano Man" but only due to its overplaying, same with Rocketman, but Elton had better. But the rest of Piano Man album is great. Ballad of Billy The Kid.... awesome!

Einherjar - I hear you and not Mr. Feathers but this is over the top or not giving these bands enough credit, they would have still blown our socks off
Without them we wouldn't have bands like Pink Floyd, Genesis, Jethro Tull, etc.
Naw! I'll never go for any of the without them ideas.
Oh yeah definitely. :rolleyes:

I really can't be arsed with this thread. I'm sure it'll get the most responses we've seen in here in a while though. :zombie:

yes that was a stupid comment considering the other "vocal" problems of the world :cool:

this will only get more responces from me because it concerns music I actually like for a change but I agree, its a back to the old bullshit thread. But dont worry I wont say anything controversial. I just clear up the finiky little controversies...
Most Rock vocalists suck.

Lol where are you getting these ideas? If most rock vocalists (at least the classic ones) suck then which ones are better? Sure as hell not metal vocalists, hip-hop hell no...

And what's with all these people hating on Queen? A Night At The Opera is a classic, and their others aren't bad either.
This marks my "this is supposed to be controversial hence the name of the thread"

yes but controversial holds some validity, classifications such as gay or sucks hold none and is only sending things back down the crapper we crawled of when we got moderators.
If Mathias or Toenail have a problem with my list they can take it up with me. Obviously the classic rock bands I dislike were controversial...again, the name of the thread.
I'm only keeping this open because it's been really quiet in here lately. I actually deleted this thread the last time Ozzman tried it. Frankly I don't really see any value in this sort of shit. The only discussion that's gone on in here has been the retarded exchange that Southern Trendkill initiated (seriously, popularity = quality? :zombie:). Everything else has pretty much "I think such and such sucks", followed by "OMG I can't believe you think that". Fucking awesome.
Eh, I don't see why people would have any problem with it. IMHO it's a lot easier to take controversial opinions in a thread like this instead of in any other place. You know what to expect and it's dettached to an extent.

As for your lack of respect for my disucssion -- that's just elitism. ;)
Oh yay, this will be fun.

Things that are popular are generally of high quality. Things that aren't popular are NOT necessarily of lesser quality, since there are a lot of factors that effect popularity beyond just quality. But if a band is selling millions of records then I think that means they are pretty damn fucking good at what they do. Like for example, boy band music might suck, but The Backstreet Boys must be damn great at it to be so huge. Nobody's opinion is worth more than anyone else's, so that lends credit to popularity. Even if the corporate masters are pulling the strings to make some hack popular, if it's music that is moving to thousands of people, then it is quality music. There has to be at least one thing great about it for it to do that.

I don't agree with your argument, but I agree with your conclusion. If millions like an album, that just means that millions liked it, not that it is good. Seriously, to make a hit these days, all you need is a catchy melody and garageband, which is what some hits actually sound like. Now, I saw your point about the subjectivity of music, and it is an argument repeated very much, but it is stupid. There is fudge factor, because nobody completly agrees on what exactly good music is, however, most people have a similar conception of the definition of "good" (it is creative, lots of work was put into it, was skillfully made, and/or it has emotional impact), and this is actually objective for the most part. I agree that consistantly popular music (aka, not one hit artists) is usually really good. They aren't lucky, they know how to hit the people.
I really can't be arsed with this thread. I'm sure it'll get the most responses we've seen in here in a while though. :zombie:

People love these threads fsr

So I'm going to post a few love and hate's in classic rock. I'm sure a few are controversial but fuck you wankers i don't care.

I love: The Allman Brothers, Floyd, Zeppelin, The Doors, Beatles, Sabbath, Deep Purple, King Crimson, Yes, Cream, Blind Faith, Robin Trower, Camel, Moody Blues, UFO, Rolling Stones

Hates: Rush (except for Temple of Syrinx because Geddy barely sings)
Elton John
Billy Joel
The Who
Dio era Sabbath
...basically anything gay

K, hold on a sec...

- Have you heard Aerosmith's Get Your Wings? Or any of the other earlier album? GYW is fucking awesome and it's kind of hard to believe you don't like it. The new stuff is total shit, obviously.
- What Queen stuff have you heard? I can people hating their gay stuff like Bicycle (I like it :blush:) but they were a huge influence on progressive metal.
- Have you heard Who's Next?

I'm only keeping this open because it's been really quiet in here lately. I actually deleted this thread the last time Ozzman tried it. Frankly I don't really see any value in this sort of shit. The only discussion that's gone on in here has been the retarded exchange that Southern Trendkill initiated (seriously, popularity = quality? :zombie:). Everything else has pretty much "I think such and such sucks", followed by "OMG I can't believe you think that". Fucking awesome.

Hah basically. No need to close it unless it turns into an all out flame war (which will probably happen)
Lol where are you getting these ideas? If most rock vocalists (at least the classic ones) suck then which ones are better? Sure as hell not metal vocalists, hip-hop hell no...

Its just my opinion. Ok? By the way I meant with modern Rock. Most modern Rock vocalists in my opinion, either have crappy voices or just don't use their voices well.