Crap posts lately?

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A crappy poster is me, really i'm not bad in person. I do not like BlackMetalTyrant because he's 'black' and i'm surprised someone called him a my pals before me actually. I was going to but thought i'd get banned and people would call me a racist.

I think Dodens and Erik are a lot less patient than me acting ten times more of tough guy to other users. Even though they have shared negative words with me I enjoy their presence. The poster V.V.V.... or whatever is a crappy poster imo. He's pissy as fuck.
MetalAges said:'re so, 17. zzzzzz (no offense to you decent youngsters around here)

For a Christian you're pretty ageist, you ought to have a think about that.

I'm 16 anyway, so it initially felt like a compliment.
Fuck you "the greys", so you dont like me because Im black, thats fucking stupid, you probably dont like black people because a few "my pals" as you liked to call them probably beat your punk ass up. I can't stand cunts like you, I bet you have never expressed your views infront of a black person, because you are a fucking pussy. No white people ever say racist shit to me or other black people because people that dont like "my pals" are chickenshit white trash.
The Greys said:
I think Dodens and Erik are a lot less patient than me acting ten times more of tough guy to other users. Even though they have shared negative words with me I enjoy their presence.

The think is that everyone loves Dodens and Erik.....but no one loves you. >_>
Basically, I've been more of a cunt over the last few weeks and everybody's followed my lead because that's what everyone's always done on this forum. Thread finished.
This board is getting more and more elitist, in varying ways. I find it more entertaining that way.

And we don't go off on noobs unless they deserve it. Otherwise, there's just a good healthy spirit of spiteful competition here, and of course dramaqueen bitchiness galore. It keeps the music discussion from getting stale, you know?
Yes. I love this forum because it's elitist and you can call people fucking stupid and things.....>_>

It doesn't really carry over to other forums where you have to frame everything in "IMHOIMHOIMHO," which is why this forum is so fun.

Edit: I try not to be too much of an asshole, though. And I don't bash new people who don't "get it," which is why lurking in a forum for a while to get the feel is a good thing before you go making dumb posts everywhere.
Pyrus said:
And we don't go off on noobs unless they deserve it. Otherwise, there's just a good healthy spirit of spiteful competition here, and of course dramaqueen bitchiness galore. It keeps the music discussion from getting stale, you know?

Was this supposed to be sarcastic?
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