damn i'm drunk -- the thread

I'm fucked upper than a soup sandwich tonight gentlemen. Several Makers and several Dark n Stormys. New one for me. Some kinda spiced rum and ginger beer. Sounds fuckin sick, and fuck me if I know what ginger beer if, but I'm fucking hamered.

Now I need to get to sleep w/o puking or pissing off tghe Mrs. Shes all knocked up you know.
Whoa I've never heard of Dark n Stormies, but shit yeah do boilermakers FUCK you up. My favorite was Killians Red and Glenlivet scotch, they tasted great and did the job.

This shit has been gaying up my fridge for at least a year, time to kill it:

Okay I just chugged the rest (about 2 shots of 16% shit) and it SUCKED.

Tropico Liqeur, Premium Bacardi Gold Rum and a Blend of Exotic Natural Fruit Juices, you are TEH LOSE. :yuk:
Yeah, that sounds like something you DONT want to put on top of your buzz. I'm having enough trboule w/' the double rattlesnake shot I did last. That fucking sweet kills me. I never drink anything sweet.
Let's see what other kind of pussy bullshit I can elminate tonight...


I don't think this is safe to drink, for starters there's a lot of it, and also note the aluminum foil cap that has probably allowed fish and bad mayo smells to seep in over the last year or more. This is what happens when you date Asian chicks, you get stuck with a bunch of bunk liquor!!!
Ever seen that Kids in the Hall skit "Girl Drink Drunk"? Office worker gets hooked on girly drinks and ends up blending up fruit and liquour in the supply closet and adding umbrellas and twrily straws. God that show kicked ass in the early years
Reason #129385790315907513 why chicks are dumb. This last woman BEGGED me to buy her a big bottle of Chambord last New Years, so I did, and to the left of it you notice the UNFINISHED initial bottle of Chambord. I'm going to kill the small one off at least, with some milk. It's like a purple Russian without the vodka.

matt99_crew said:
Ever seen that Kids in the Hall skit "Girl Drink Drunk"? Office worker gets hooked on girly drinks and ends up blending up fruit and liquour in the supply closet and adding umbrellas and twrily straws. God that show kicked ass in the early years
hahahaha no, but that sounds awesome. Did you ever see the one with the Canadian Hockey Guardian Angel, the one that died of "autoerotic asphyxiation, it's when you choke yourself while JERKIN' AFF!" He told the guy in order to score with his girlfriend drink a 6pack and tell her he loved her: "YOU GOTTA CHUG, EH! TELL HER YOU LOVE HER!!!" Comedy Gold.
matt99_crew said:
christ, I can't drink anything with milk, or milk withoug anything. I hate that stuff
I drink milk every day, it's about the only thing that calms my stomach down besides rolaids.

Okay, Chambord + milk = WIN, but I already knew that.
No, I never caught that one. What a cool show, and so unusual. I can annoy plenty of people doing dialogue from those skits for extended periods. Hilarious stuff
Yeah there are only so many people that "get" Kids in the Hall, the rest just look at you strangely. Did you ever watch uhh.... aw shit what was it called, oh Upright Citizens Brigade? They were like a weirder Kids in the Hall, usually not as funny, but on occasion far surpassed them. Like with Thunderball, that has to be the greatest skit I've ever seen.
I just finished off the orange and purple things, they actually decreased the beer buzz I had, but at least I got to throw some shits away.
So I decided to cut down on the booze, and for about 2 weeks I've done okay (my aim is to drink no more than 6 drinks per week, and I've gone up to 10 which is a lot less than my usual).

So tonight I'm on my 6th beer, and I'm getting pretty buzzed. Just a month ago 6 beers was like warmups, I love it when my tolerance goes down.
This thread has gone from 5 to 4 to now 3 stars in the past few minutes. *sniff* *sniff* smells like NO FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOuR.

I was buzzed earlier this evening. Bourbon + Lord of the Rings = win. Bourbon + pizza = suckage.

EDIT: Now 4 again with my help. Damn I'm smooth.
