damn i'm drunk -- the thread

P.S. I want one of these

It's noon. I've been up for twenty two hours, to work and to the gym. I'm wandering by this hole in the wall liquor store down the street. Surprise surprise, they have a pretty good selection.

Ahh, but wait. Do mine eyes deceive me?

No, Jameson. 75 cl, twelve dollars a bottle. Shit you not.

I bought three. Good to stock up.
guys, i"m all fucke dup. I had some beer n vodka with tonic water i think whie paooitng wher i work with tother people. i'ts likes 10:40 but my cojpuer wsays its onl 9:37. Eithtrer way, I'm all drunk an verbose.

revernsed bizard owns your niugger soulds.
Im drnk assholes/ I just post4ed a review of Dog soldiers in themovie thread. had to concentrate very very gard to get it down right. ive had two largeish white russians (of course) and am now downing some straight vodka. man this stuff tastes like shit!!!
Queastion: why is it hard tyo type when youre drunk? its not rockety science!
btw, i have to work in the morning. should be interesing.

sup matt?
to drink white russians while alone ... by choice, not a hot chick promising you sex forcing you to ... is perhaps the gayest confession ever made on RC ... :lol:

yuppie scum :loco:
I seem to be taking a beat down from the RC crowd this evening. What would you fuckers like me to drink?