damn i'm drunk -- the thread

JayKeeley said:
Erik - you should visit the Vatican.
Heh. I like small countries like Iceland and Farøyar. I just remembered Andorra is another country I'd like to see some day, but I'm not sure why, except it's small and looks cool with all the hills. Also some eastern european country. Maybe Estonia.
Damn I'm drunk. Woman and I were supposed to gather a crew and go to the local brewery for some good loud times...

She's been passed out on my couch since 10pm and I've been fucking around on the internet for 3 hours now. What a bunch of party poopers!!!

God damn I love White Russians. I can never drink just one.
I';m so god damn mobbing forusm I shouldn'st be in.... now I gott a pee, but I'm wearing headphones headbanging to a CD that ending 5 minutes ago. Whoopsol.wedk hjl
Wow. I don't remember going to bed last night, but apparently I made it because I woke up at 2pm in my bed. My head hurts and I am very thirsty.
This is the strangest drunken memory that just resurfaced in my mind:

Last night (probably this morning rather), apparently I paid off over $1000 in debt, and closed one of my credit card accounts with Citifuck, those dirty dirty assholes. Some people say that drinking makes you stupid, but this was the smartest thing I've done all month! :lol:
Damn I'm drunk as fuck for the second night in a row. I gotta stop....... nah fuck that, alcohol rules.

Moms told me the other day that she sees me reverting to some teenage behaviors lately, I wonder is this is one? I told my parents on Christmas that I see my youthful days waning so I'm trying to claim as much foolishness as I can before I have to be seen as a "responsible adult" in more than just the eyes of the law.

I think I'll go finish my Beamish Irish Stout now. :Smokedev:

EDIT: Sometimes I doubt my intelligence as I was driven home earlier tonight, drunk as hell, at 2am. It is now 4am, and I am perfectly content with my current buzz, yet I just poured myself another scotch on the rocks, and am still pissing off my neighbors with Mithras being blasted via my shitty stereo (yet awesome speakers). Hmmm.... Morbid Angel is next.
damn im drunk is an excxaggeration but i have had a few beers and some whistleu, i can admit that. give me boobies please. its 0346 am and it's only just BE EE GUUUUUUUUUUN dio dio diooooooo dio dio diopoooooo
3 sitfff 2white russinans, 3 whiskey on the rocks, and uhlhihlhlihlk.;...I undunno. somethg nles. Fuck, I amm fuck HARMMEMREC.

When the clock stufck migdignith and my bros were yelling YA{PPPY NEW YEAR I eaylled THE BRITSH ARE COMING instead.... hahahhhahahahaahhauialjfahwleijkas

I thikn I forogt to mentino the 6 whiskey 7s Ihad. Whooooopl.s

Pics of self taken within the last 5 minutes (post Listerine and water treatment to try to avoid terrible hangover):




Fucck. I'm wated. :grin: :lol:

i got drunk, somehow managed to go to three different parties all over the county, i i was supposed to go to one with some college friends and get hooked up with this one biatch, but i got drunk and forgot, eventually sobered up and drove home. nothing crazy happened...