damn i'm drunk -- the thread





FIRE !!!



"What eh hell!?!"


"you.... you think yer better than me.?? HUH!?!?"



Sober, a few days before:

You're ugly. I hurt all over, I woke up on the floor this morning. At a friend's place, and another friend apparently had sex (With his girlfirend, not me) on the bed 2 ft away from where I was sleeping. I always miss all the action :(
Actually, I was asked to "sleep in the bed" as they put it but I was drunk and refused as I found the floor much more comfy. And I'll just ignore those jokes.
My oldest brother got into some trouble due to drinking on new year's eve. He drove into the ditch and got caught by the cops and faces a trial where the maximum penalty would be 2 years in prison and his car stereo was stolen when the car was lying there and he'll be KILLED when he tells our parents.
I never went to jail for driving drunk.

If Sweden's prison system is anything like the US, "maximum of 2 years" means 6 months at the very most.
Hum hum
It was "severe" drunk driving... That's, uh, fuck, this is very complicated in English but that would be probably 0.10% of alcohol in the blood whereas the limit for regular drunk driving would be around 0.02%? I'm not fucking sure. Learn Swedish and I'll tell you.
In California, up to 0.08% you're legal, after that it's a DUI (Driving Under the Influence). DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) is the one you're seriously fucked, not sure of the limit on that, I think it might have to do with your level of beligerrence though.

The rest of the US varies by state, but I believe that all are near 0.08%.