Death Metal

And I said that I disagree with it, regardless of whether it's the same or different. I really don't think that Suffocation's material has very much dynamics at all and relies more on pummeling the listener rather than creating contrasts and other things of that nature.

Exactly, you all have the totally wrong preception of what dynamic truley means. Dynamic really means to be able to shift things up, Suffocation is just a standard onslaught of death metal which for some people is what they look for. Incantation can pummel your ears one moments then shift to something truly slow and crushing (dynamic). You could compare some the dynamic in Incantations music to that of older Demigod.
The production on Onward to Golgotha is a bit blurry/muddy at times (like when the blasting and vocals kick in in the first song). Great album, but it would even be better with clearer production. Onward to Golgotha and Pierced from Within is a tossup for me, though I may give the edge to Onward to Golgotha. I do like Suffocation better than Immolation, though.
The production on Onward to Golgotha is a bit blurry/muddy at times (like when the blasting and vocals kick in in the first song). Great album, but it would even be better with clearer production. Onward to Golgotha and Pierced from Within is a tossup for me, though I may give the edge to Onward to Golgotha. I do like Suffocation better than Immolation, though.

The production actually adds to Ownward to Golgotha imo. It wouldn't be the same with cleaner production because it would lose that gritty almost obscure sound that puts me at edge.
I never said they lacked any sign of being dynamic I clearly stated that they're not nearly as dynamic. You're just a little Suffocation fanboy and just have to continue to argue on something you clearly have little knowledge about.
Incantation and Suffocation are two of my favorite bands, I just think you are ignoring the type of songwriting Suffocation uses in favor of Incantation. They are different and preferences are preferences but I think things like "Suffocation is just a standard onslaught of death metal" are not true.
Incantation and Suffocation are two of my favorite bands, I just think you are ignoring the type of songwriting Suffocation uses in favor of Incantation. They are different and preferences are preferences but I think things like "Suffocation is just a standard onslaught of death metal" are not true.

Okay maybe I could have left out standard, but onslaught I believe is accurate in describing their music. Goddamn it

Dynamic - pertains to the range of volume of musical sound.

Suffocation has very fucking little that was my whole goddamn arguement. We'll just end it like this. You like Suffocation more and I like Incantation more, but their is no dening that Incantation is more dynamic. Being dynamic doesn't necessarily pertain to quality. For instance I feel Reverend Bizarre is better than Mirror of Deception even though Mirror of Deception is more dynamic than Reverend Bizare.
I just don't think Incantation is more dynamic in any significant way. They are dynamic in different ways, with Suffocation going for varying technical rythms, whereas Incantation go for the riff driven almost doomy style. I don't think this discussion is going anywhere so I won't drag this out anymore.
:lol: @ old school death metal fans arguing with brutal death metal fans about who is better, Suffocation or Incantation.
There was nothing illogical about what I said. It might have been pointless and "sideline" as you call it but it made perfect sense.

But anyways, I'd recommend everyone check out Hooded Menace. Crushing doomy death metal with members from Phlegethon.