Death Metal

They are broseph. Similar to what Celtic Frost are to black metal I'd say. Not as obviously part of the genre, but an influential originator and one that can't be separated from what came later.

As V5 said the early stuff is really good (Killing on Adrenaline :worship:) but their newest is decent too

So they are like Suffocation in that they are proto-brutal death.
I always considered Dying Fetus brutal death and a part of that scene in general. But looking back and listening to them these days, they were definitely, at times, a bit closer to the more straight DM sound of, say, many of the Florida bands compared to many contemporary bands in the BDM vein. Their influence on the genre is pretty evident either way.
I don't think I have seen it mentioned here, but I am really enjoying Messiah's Choir of Horrors. Great OS death/thrash.
i know. I'm learning. I've already come pretty far - I went from being able to tolerate/enjoy Anders Friden to being able to tolerate/enjoy Glenn Benton. Just have to give it time.