Death Metal

wormed isn't funny... wormed is terrible
and sikfuk is even worse :lol:

I agree. It's not just the vocals, but the guitars have no rythmn or flow nor is the playing impressive to me and besides that the guitar tone is terrible. I don't know how else to explain their music other than if say you were grinding two rocks together or something just pushing them together:). I'm not to picky on production(am a huge old school death metal fan). Wormed's production,etc.. is just way to low-fi and noisy. I also do not find drummers hitting snare drums really fast to slower chug riffs appealing. I notice the drummers in brutal death metal bands are much faster than the actual music. I would appreciate the muscians regardless not being into it am just not impressed where would take the genre serious or appreciate it. I'm not sure if the musicians intentionally try to prevent momentum,etc..

I think it's also pointless to consitantly compress and suppress sound of intruments with to much muting. It's basically restricting sound. I think a lot of times bands not focused on say being heavy actually make heavier music because not all riffs are intended on being heavy so you can notice contrast.
I think it's also pointless to consitantly compress and suppress sound of intruments with to much muting. It's basically restricting sound. I think a lot of times bands not focused on say being heavy actually make heavier music because not all riffs are intended on being heavy so you can notice contrast.

I think you kind of have a point - that the heavy riffs sound heavier when placed alongside less heavy riffs - but that has nothing to do with palm-mutes.
I love palm muting. It's an essential part and defining element of death metal and thrash. Of course, it's pointless to play every single note muted, but lots of palm muting is a good thing. On a different, yet related note, has anyone else noticed that black metal generally has very very little palm muting, and a lot of it has none at all?
I love palm muting. It's an essential part and defining element of death metal and thrash. Of course, it's pointless to play every single note muted, but lots of palm muting is a good thing. On a different, yet related note, has anyone else noticed that black metal generally has very very little palm muting, and a lot of it has none at all?

Which is but one of the reasons that black metal sucks ass
Black metal usually uses very fluid, evolving sections of riffs usually tremolo-picked, so that's why there hardly any muting or the sound of it as it typically is portrayed (as chugs etc. :p) in death metal.

Greys, I see your point now.

But you should still send me the CDs you owe me.
Black metal usually uses very fluid, evolving sections of riffs usually tremolo-picked, so that's why there hardly any muting or the sound of it as it typically is portrayed (as chugs etc. :p) in death metal.

Greys, I see your point now.

But you should still send me the CDs you owe me.


I've been trying to get some time to get your cds ready for about two days now and it's going to be sweet(rly).
Is anyone a fan of the three dutch DM bands with close ties: Hail of Bullets, Thanatos, and Asphyx? Complete fucking devastation.

Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom

Crushing Death/Doom containing memebers that would later join Sinister and Thanatos. It's one of my favorite old school releases of any genre. Not many people know too much about this band and it's a shame considering just how innovative this was for its time (1989). This is much akin to Sorrow and Asphyx
I love palm muting. It's an essential part and defining element of death metal and thrash. Of course, it's pointless to play every single note muted, but lots of palm muting is a good thing. On a different, yet related note, has anyone else noticed that black metal generally has very very little palm muting, and a lot of it has none at all?

With palm muting, you get less distortion and feedback. With less distortion and feedback you sound less evil and the music is easier to listen too. Hence, black metal makes little use of such unmanly techniques.

but seriously, that's more or less true. The evil and dark feel of black metal in part comes from the extra noise that you get when you don't mute and you play sloppily (and let's be honest, lots of them do). Meanwhile, the tight sound of modern DM, thrash, and metalcore comes from palm mutes synced with double bass drums. You listen to old Morbid Angel or Celtic Frost, you'll notice they didn't use as much palm muting as more modern bands do.
The palm muting is the classic metal sound, though. The earliest metal bands used it (Sabbath, Priest, Maiden), and it's a crucial element of every style except black metal.

Sometimes bands use what I call "half-assed palm-muting," which will give you the chuggy sound as well as a dark, wall-o-sound feel. I believe Celtic Frost have used this extensively.