Death Metal

Umm, hey there DM thread. Picked up Morbid Angel's Covenant for $5 yesterday at a pawn shop, haven't had it in years.

Anyway, i'm into Death, Deicide, MA, CC, Cynic, Athiest, Behemoth, Nile, Hate Eternal, Vital Remains... etc.
So last week I saw an original copy of The Rack in RRRecords for 8 bucks. I was tempted to buy it but this put me off...the spine of the CD says The Back :lol:

Haha, it seems like kind of a long shot that there was a misprinted pressing given that it's on a fairly big label (probably not as common as, say, the Severed Savior CDs that reads "Florced to Bleed" on the spine), but the possibility is always there if you were inclined to find out. Like that one printing of Necrophagist's "Epitaph" that accidentally placed all the songs onto a single track.
Ironic that you ask that Ozzman. Ohiogrinder sent me Leprosy via AIM transfer and it's on my Ipod, I listened to it in the fitness center today, I like it. :)
Haha, it seems like kind of a long shot that there was a misprinted pressing given that it's on a fairly big label (probably not as common as, say, the Severed Savior CDs that reads "Florced to Bleed" on the spine), but the possibility is always there if you were inclined to find out. Like that one printing of Necrophagist's "Epitaph" that accidentally placed all the songs onto a single track.

I think I'll buy it, what the hell. It was legit, the back was correct and everything, not some bootleg or anything.
I don't understand how people fuck things up so badly. I rarely ever make spelling mistakes in just writing/typing everyday messages, papers, etc. I'm not trying to brag or anything but it's just a huge pet peeve of mine.
I don't understand how people fuck things up so badly.'d think someone would fucking edit CD layouts and shit, I mean c'mon...if I could get a job doing that I fuckin' would! Nick and I get a lot of slam/brutal death CDs where bands fuck up writing shit...argh so annoying!
I wonder if I'd like Scream Bloody Gore better than Leprosy? My favorite song off Leprosy is Pull The Plug. I've also been enjoying the Darkthrone-Soulside Journey Ohiogrinder sent me to my Ipod as well. Maybe there is hope for me to get into Scandinavian DM.
Scream Bloody Gore is better than Leprosy imo.

Bluewizard, listen to:

Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Entombed - Clandestine
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Unleashed - Shadows in the Deep

Those should be fairly easy to get into as far as Scandinavian death metal goes.
Leprosy > SBG tbh.

Also, the Icelandic band Sororicide has a pretty decent OSDM album called The Entity. Worth checking out IMO.