Death Metal

The thing that is so great about Demilich is that even though the riffs are so strange, unusual, and awkward, they are still catchy in an odd way. And the vocals fit, as they are equally as fucked up as the riffs are.

I think a good word to use is "groovy." In fact i can't think of any other death metal i would call as such.
I was told by Nick from Funebrarum that the next full length album is coming out this summer. Can't wait for this to come out. :kickass:

Apparently the dude I'm working on the noise project Wet Work with is someone from Funebrarum's roommate or something. Funny stuff. Can't really say I liked their first album though, maybe I'll listen again soon.

KH, thanks for tipping me off to Morbosidad, fucking :kickass:

@Discovery: If you're saying Demilich is groovy, and saying not much other death metal is; you have a false definiton of groove. Plenty of DM has groove.
Hi people of DeathMetal. I need more tech death bands and I figured I should try out Cryptopsy, so what good albums do they have? even though I hear they suck the fat one now. Tech death I have now is like Arsis(maybe more melodeath idk), Odious Mortem, Beneath teh Massacre, Origin, Brain Drill, Necrophagist..
Caught the Vital Remains/ Monstrosity tour last night and was pretty blown away by the line up that Tony has aquired for this tour. He has a 19 yr. old guitarist that totally shreds and a drummer that is even younger at 17 but can still play the sh** out of those drums. The line up is rounded out by a vocalist that filled the frontman posistion with authority, this guy's voice held out an entire set with power and projection.
Monstrosity destroyed, playing a mix of newer material sprinkled w/ killer old tunes. They opened with a new track that didn't quite start on the tempo that this band truely shines at, but then got the crowd going only to end they're set way too soon. A song or two more would have been perfect from this old school Flordia death metal act.
I see the tracks on Nesphite more like soundscapes than actual songs,you put it on and you get in a psychotic trance. Am i the only one who gets the picture of a huge grotesque planet racing through space when listening to it?
Listening to Demilich now and I my opinion on the vocals has changed. I used to hate them but now it's tolerable, even likable. Same thing happened to me with Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.