Death Metal


Which ones of you lucky bastards actually own physical copies of Demilich's Nespithe

I know somebody who owns one :erk: I've been lurking around the used record stores for ages wondering if I'd ever come across it. I'm not about to pay an exorbitant price for it on the internets.
The most commonly found versions are bootlegs, like the one I own. I'm pretty sure there only exist two official versions, the original Necropolis press and a Relapse press. For those of you who remember Jean-Pierre, he has an original copy on tape.
I really like all that I've heard from them so far. I've been doing a lot of exploring lately, I'm kind of new to the metal scene. I think Thurisaz has a pretty great sound. :)
I really like all that I've heard from them so far. I've been doing a lot of exploring lately, I'm kind of new to the metal scene. I think Thurisaz has a pretty great sound. :)
I've been saying this for awhile now. Circadian Rhythm is a really good cd that every Progressive Black Metal fan should check out. Or any BM fan.
oops... haha, I guess Thurisaz shouldn't be in this thread. They were recommended to me as "blackened death" but now that I think about it.... they're really not death at all. Whoops. Please don't stone me.

Which ones of you lucky bastards actually own physical copies of Demilich's Nespithe, EDIT: and where the HELL can I find one?

I found the Necropolis reissue with the extra demo tracks at a reasonable price about 4 years ago (yes, the one the band got ripped off on, like most of the other last records the label released). Same with the Xtreem music reissue of SoSE that came out a couple of years ago. Nespithe seems destined to be perpetually reissued periodically followed by periods of fetching ridiculous prices on ebay.
I have the same version and bought it on ebay for around 10,12 dollars.