Death Metal

Don't knowingly support bootlegs. I only bought my copy because I didn't know at the time. I'm sure some day it will be properly reissued with the band's blessing.
I didn't think it was either. Like I said, Necropolis is now known to have screwed over a number of bands who were otherwise legitimately in business with them. But even so, this might as well be treated as a bootleg since the band will never see a dime from any of its sales.
I started learning Nile's The Blessed Dead on guitar today and I can tell already it's going to be a hard song to learn. It's got weird timing, fast riffing that's hard to recognize on the song, and more extended scaling, ie. going from frets numbered 2 all the way to 7 in a single riff. So has anyone learned any Nile on guitar and what's your experience in it?
Maybe it's just me, but I've thought that Nile has been lacklustre since after Black Seeds of Vengeance. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first two, and bought both immediately after they came out, but c'mon! The riffs on the last several records have been so directionless, the songs monotonous and mundane. You know what was a good album, though? Cannibal Corpse's Kill. Easily my favorite record from that group.
I still need to get In Their Darkened Shrines to see if I change my opinion on this band. It took me so long to get into this band, and now I can tolerate them, but they get boring after about 3 songs.
Nile is pretty much average semi-brutal death that does not deserve the fame they get...but they probably get it because they're gimmicky, sterile and plain-out easy to digest.
I recently found out about Devian who are a new extreme metal band from sweden so if you like death metal,thrash,BM listen and enjoy. I've been meaning to pick up Ninewinged Serpent. Devian features EX Marduk vocalist Legion and EX Nominon guitarist Joinus.

Fucking awesome.
They appear to have just opened up the New Testament and copied down half of it for their lyrics :lol:

Erm... they actually don't pull their lyrics out of their collective ass. The cover booklet includes a song-by-song breakdown of the lyrics' meaning and inspiration. After finishing off the initial spin I'm going to say it's indisputably better than Midvinterblot. Now that I've said that, let the Dismember-esque this-one's-better-no-the-last-one-is style argument ensue.