Death Metal

Edge of Sanity
Hail of Bullets
Morbid Angel

I still listen to all the early 90's euro classic albums and what not like older amorphis,entombed,dismember,carnage,god macabre,at the gates. I've been into the new Grave album recently and some of the new albums Back From The Grave and Fiendish Regression.

I spin Sorcery-bloodchilling tales once in awile.

Other shit I listen to occasionally.

Massacre `from beyond
Disincarnate `dreams of the carrion kind
Death ~spiritual healing
Gorguts ~considered dead
spiritual healing, carrion and bloodbath are all destroyed by deicide. actually so are entombed, dismember and carnage but i'm sure that's more controversial or something. a lot of the other shit you listed is better though i suppose ;)
No fucking way. Take that shitty opinion into that thread and get owned. It's the worst fucking opinion ever.
lol whatever greys i remember when you were the worst poster possible and listened to total trash

DB: i know what you mean, it doesn't have as much replay value as some. i pretty much never play it anymore.
I got the Demilich reissue in the mail today, and I'm not at all impressed by the sound quality: it sounds like it was mastered from a fucking cassette. Granted, I never heard an original in any format other than mp3, but Christ, wasn't Century Media behind this?

By the way, I just saw Death Delerium mention Death. I've been meaning to post something about them for a while, so here goes: everything that Death released before Human sucks. It's all tepid and amateurish and quite frankly unlistenable. I will never, ever understand the hype around records like Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy.
Any of Death's releases are overrated, except Human, which I actually like. I don't care if they were pioneers of death metal, they were simply never very good.

They were if you are of the opinion that youthful energy and a distinct "heavy metal attitude" can somehow make up for smooth riffs and slick song-writing. Also, they were if you believe that a ragged edge to music can be an end unto itself, without serving some higher purpose. They were if you are capable of putting music in a historical context even as you listen to it. They were if you enjoy furious metal warriors screaming about zombies and diseases. And well, I do...

It's everything after Human that needs to be buried and forgotten...
It's okay, CV, one can find enjoyment in the riff salad of their later works too.
Many death metal classics aren't exactly free of this syndrome either. It's just that the ancient sound aesthetic imbues those records with some sort of atmosphere which makes them more palatable for the old-school conservative.And that's something which is missing from post-Human Death material.
It's okay, CV, one can find enjoyment in the riff salad of their later works too.
Many death metal classics aren't exactly free of this syndrome either. It's just that the ancient sound aesthetic imbues those records with some sort of atmosphere which makes them more palatable for the old-school conservative.And that's something which is missing from post-Human Death material.

sans atmosphere, gibt es kein point!