Death Metal

So i decided to give the new bloodbath another listen after initially thinking it was shit. It's really terrible, not one memorable riff, really bland for a death metal album. and wtf is with mock the cross..? blatant MA ripoff. Does anyone actually think this is good? I'll take Necrovation over this crap.
So i decided to give the new bloodbath another listen after initially thinking it was shit. It's really terrible, not one memorable riff, really bland for a death metal album. and wtf is with mock the cross..? blatant MA ripoff. Does anyone actually think this is good? I'll take Necrovation over this crap.

koude whats some good dm albums you've stumbled across recently? I need to get an xmas haul before I go back :mad:
koude whats some good dm albums you've stumbled across recently? I need to get an xmas haul before I go back :mad:

Father Befouled - Obscurus Nex Cultus
Father Befouled - Profano Ad Regnum
Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hellucinations
Graveyard - Into the Mausoleum
Hatespawn - Dead Congregation/Hatespawn
Evocation - Dead Calm Chaos

newer stuff^^

older stuff.. That i've been playing a lot lately..

Sargatanas - The Enlightenment
Pentacle - Under the Black Cross
Funebrarum - Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Hey stupidfuckingidiot, you didn't mention Hooded Menace, which is better than all of the newer albums you mentioned.
I've never heard of Hooded Menace. FAG. I've bought over 250 albums this year, i can't fucking know every goddamn "good" band. btw new slugathor album is supposed to be out this month. This is what i was told anyway by a band member.
Duh they were going for a Morbid Angel sound on the whole album dumbshit. They arent really trying to be very original.

trying to sound like MA is one thing, but copying the exact riff is lame, you faggot. Retro death metal bands obviously arent trying to be original but atleast most of them dont steal riffs.

It's a shitty album either way.
Duh they were going for a Morbid Angel sound on the whole album dumbshit. They arent really trying to be very original.

Exactly. Bloodbath has stated they're a tribute band and the new album is obviously a tribute to MA musically/vocally and florida DM and besides that it's not exactly the same exact riff so who cares. Resurrection Through Carnage sounds exactly like Carnage `dark recollections' and Entombed 'left hand path' musically/production wise. I mean the guitars are the same set up and the drums are electronic made to sound exactly the same. tribute
.. and Necrovation does not have all the cool guitar harmonies you hear on old school DM albums like Bloodbath. Bloodbath might be a tribute, but they have all the elements which is why I prefere them over other contemperary old school DM acts. End
Guitar harmonies are for pussies and poseurs when you play bestial old school dodsmetall, Necrovation really do serve it up with the best.
I don't know what albums you're listening to but all the old school DM albums I enjoy have have a 3rd guitar layered with harmonies and guitars that harmonize and have different things going on.

I think probably we look for different things in music and should expect this differing of opinions, categorizing it as subjectivity in judging art.
Necrovation's newest release was pretty good, and probably will be one of the best of this year for me. However, I have a feeling that Tribulation's full length is going to be one hell of an album (whenever it does get released), possibly on par with Epitome of Darkness which I don't think Breed Deadness Blood quite reached.
Necrovation's newest release was pretty good, and probably will be one of the best of this year for me. However, I have a feeling that Tribulation's full length is going to be one hell of an album (whenever it does get released), possibly on par with Epitome of Darkness which I don't think Breed Deadness Blood quite reached.

I'm very much looking forward to tribulations full length. I believe it is already finished.