Death Metal

no samples anywhere as far as i know. I was lucky enough to have the CD r version of a few of their demos and a couple of new songs. This band fucking rules, and will no doubt be top 3 of the year for me.

edit; you'll need to wait until distros get them in.
Is Morbid Angel writing Chinese Democracy 2? Release the damn new album already.

No shit. I think they have been out playing shows and touring & have not released an album in years which really does not make to much sense. Trey is to busy playing video games putting writing secondary.
i'm sure theres a large number that don't like them, but after listening to Deviant by Regurgitate a couple of times, i've started really warming up to this band. Despite their blatant Napalm Death rip off style with the short songs, Deviant is an awesome album.
Some interesting information regarding Demilich:

Xtreem Records has officially reissued Nespithe on vinyl, apparently.

I also saw this interesting question and answer on the band's website:

dear annti,
just wanted to let you know that my girlfriend keeps insisting that we have anal sex to nespithe.
i keep declining and opting for softer music like the beatles or lady gaga.
she says im a panzie. its not that i don't like your music, its just that i don't want to feel like im fucking you when im in my old lady's hole. you know..with your deep voice and all...

The only reason I made Nespithe was to provide people with music for anal sex. For being the first one who realized it, your girlfriend is now entitled to an anal sex session with me. Both ways. Unfortunately you cannot join in, that's against the rules.

There's also a mention that the album is not entirely free of vocal effects.
There's obviously fucking echo on various parts. Antti is a cool d00d, Nixon and I are friends with him on Facebook, and I am one of his 4 friends on
So, I found out (some) Dutch death metal is actually pretty awesome. I've been giving Consuming Impulse and The Rack quite a few spins this week.

Did Gorefest ever put out anything decent?
Anyone listened to Trepalium's XIII?

I hadnt even heard of them when I came across the odd clown faced album art. It's tech death... which is odd... because I really liked it... and tech death usually doesnt do anything for me.

It's french death metal... and while they might be touring with Gojira as the undercard... they kick their ass.

Daddy's Happy from XIII is the first song listed....