Death Metal

Anyone heard anything about Winterwolf (myspace)?

Current line-up
Corpse - Guitar (1997-2001, 2006-) (Vocals 1997-2001, 2006-2009) (De Lirium's Order, Deathchain, Demilich, Trollheim's Grott, Twisted Silence, Forgotten Horror)
K.E.Pestilence - Bass (200:cool: (De Lirium's Order)
E.R.Insane - Drums (200:cool: (Shade Empire, De Lirium's Order)
Abomanitor (Antti Boman) - Guitar, backing vocals (2009-) (Demilich, Standard Whore)
Rotten (Tommi Virranta) - Vocals (2009-) (Ancient Drive, Deathchain, Discard, Survivors Zero, Sideshow Zombies)

NWR006 VERMINOUS (Swe) - 'Smell The Birth Of Death' MCD (€6)
4 tracks of Bestial Swedish Death Metal delivered with extreme ferocity. An amazing band that rose from the ashed of DELVE and followed the footsteps of Kaamos and Repugnant way before the whole 'old school death metal revival' trend. Definitely one of the most intense Death Metal acts ever to come from Sweden!
Artwork by T.Ketola.
Anyone heard anything about Winterwolf (myspace)?

Current line-up
Corpse - Guitar (1997-2001, 2006-) (Vocals 1997-2001, 2006-2009) (De Lirium's Order, Deathchain, Demilich, Trollheim's Grott, Twisted Silence, Forgotten Horror)
K.E.Pestilence - Bass (200:cool: (De Lirium's Order)
E.R.Insane - Drums (200:cool: (Shade Empire, De Lirium's Order)
Abomanitor (Antti Boman) - Guitar, backing vocals (2009-) (Demilich, Standard Whore)
Rotten (Tommi Virranta) - Vocals (2009-) (Ancient Drive, Deathchain, Discard, Survivors Zero, Sideshow Zombies)

You've got my attention.

Bad ass art.
That's the guy who did the art for DsO's Fas and Dead Congregation's Graves of the Archangels, among plenty of other things. I've been noticing his style popping up a lot lately.

Ha, I just made a post in the "Albums kicking your ass thread" about how the Grave of The Archangels cover is lame.
Yeah, I'm actually not all that fond of it either. I do really like the cover of Fas, but almost everything else of his that I've seen just looks like something drawn by a teenager with some colored pencils.
You people suck. I love the cover of Graves of the Archangels. I have a poster of it on my wall.
I may not like the cover of Graves of the Archangels, but the cover of Seven Chalices is pure fucking Awesome. The cover of SMRC, too. I think those are his best. If only all of his work was so impressive.
I like the cover of GOTA, tbh, it's good...when I realized what was going on. It's too bad that the actual printed cover is so muddy looking compared to the obviously nicer, non-low-key one you get on the internet.

I decided to pick this up after seeing an advertisement for it in Terrorizer magazine. Some nice melody and percussion, although I do hint a bit of 'core' influence.

Have any of you lads heard this? If so, what did you think of it?
I'm beginning to think Covenant > just gets better with every listen, always a sign of an awesome album in my ears :kickass:

Need to get into some more death metal, been avoiding it for ages for some reason, only really know Morbid Angel and Obituary. *Browses thread from beginning*
I'm beginning to think Covenant > just gets better with every listen, always a sign of an awesome album in my ears :kickass:

Covenant's my favourite Morbid Angel album by far.

Any Necrophobic fans? I'm listening to their 2008 compilation - "Satanic Blasphemies", and it kicks fucking ass !!!

I'm seriously thinking about getting their last album.