Minstrel of Woe
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten is one of the fucking best songs ever...
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten is one of the fucking best songs ever...
The new Nile album is the best thing they've done, but I'm re-listening to their material due to a concert coming up, and damn In Their Darkened Shrines is so much better then I remember. I love "The Blessed Dead" and "Unas Slayer of the Gods".
I see a lot of these in sigs, how are they being made?
I see a lot of these in sigs, how are they being made?
why are his logos much more defined than yours?I use photoshop
I've always been a little confused by Nile's success. They're not bad by any stretch of the imagination but I don't hear anything that makes them so amazing either.