Death Metal

Why don't you tell me all those cool releases you were talking about at SKR dodens so I can throw my money somewhere :loco:

Hmm...well like I mentioned there I probably haven't even gotten a chance to pick up half of the 2010 releases that I would like to, and some that I do have perhaps require further listening, but these are some of the 2010 releases that I really enjoyed (and will most likely review):


Adversarial - All Idols Fall Before the Hammer
Ares Kingdom - Incendiary
Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes
Briton Rites - For Mircalla
Burzum - Belus
Cauldron Black Ram - Slubberdegullion
Countess - Burning Scripture
Demontage - The Principle Extinction
Dødsengel - Mirium Occultum
Father Befouled - Morbid Destitution of Covenant (a marked improvement on their early work)
Hooded Menace - Never Cross the Dead
Interment - Into the Crypts of Blasphemy
Master - The Human Machine
Nocturnal Graves / Hell Spirit - Grave Spirit Sessions
Profanatica - Disgusting Blasphemies against God
Triptykon - Eparistera Daimones
Vasaeleth - Crypt-Born and Tethered to Ruin
Von Goat - Septic Illumination
Züül - Out of Time


Cauchemar - La vierge noire
Decrepitaph - Conjuring Chaos
Encoffination - Temples Descend Below the Earth 7"
Father Befouled - Rotting Godless Throne 7"
Gravehammer - Ensnared in Dismal Blasphemies
Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn
Miasmal - Miasmal 7"
Morbus Chron - Creepy Creeping Creep 7"
Swallowed - Swallowed 7"
Veternus - Awakening the Grave 7"
Voids of Vomit - Veritas Vltima Vitae


Decapitation - Undead Carnage
Doombringer - Abhorrent Dreams of the End
Panphage - Ursvöl
Xibalba - Demo 2010
Norwegian black metal. Not sure how into black metal you are though. I think it does a very good job of walking the fine line between having its own sound yet being recognizably within the Norwegian tradition.
Man, Death is killing me right now (no pun intended). Chuck Shuldiner was a fucking genius.

Just wondering, how the hell did they play live back in the SBG days? With just two guys playing a total of 4 instruments (volcals included) on the album and all. Did they play-back some of the instruments?

Session musicians probably, no band with any ounce of respectability would play back instrument parts in a live set :)
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Death metal in 2010... Whats happening? Seems like more of a black metal year from what ive heard. Anybody got any good recs from this year so far?
Death metal in 2010... Whats happening? Seems like more of a black metal year from what ive heard. Anybody got any good recs from this year so far?

1. Weapon - From the Devil's Tomb
2. Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance
3. Chronic Decay - Justify Your Existence
4. Perdition Temple - Edict of the Antichrist Elect
5. Asphyx - Live Death Doom
6. Bastard Priest - Under the Hammer of Destruction
7. Immolation - Majesty and Decay
8. Interment - Into the Crypts of Blasphemy
9. Goretrade - Mistaken Conception
10. Witchrist - Beheaded Ouroboros

my favorite DM this year. can give you plenty more if you want.
1. Weapon - From the Devil's Tomb
2. Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance
3. Chronic Decay - Justify Your Existence
4. Perdition Temple - Edict of the Antichrist Elect
5. Asphyx - Live Death Doom
6. Bastard Priest - Under the Hammer of Destruction
7. Immolation - Majesty and Decay
8. Interment - Into the Crypts of Blasphemy
9. Goretrade - Mistaken Conception
10. Witchrist - Beheaded Ouroboros

my favorite DM this year. can give you plenty more if you want.

The new Weapon is great, but that triggered bass drum is bothering me. Dont know why all these newer bands insist on using triggers. Only other one ive heard on the list was Witchrist, gotta give it another spin before I give my thoughts though. If the new Defeated Sanity is as good as Psalms of the Moribund im sure that ill enjoy it. Have yet to check out the new Immolation, just havent been in the mood for it lately. Thanks for the list dude.

Prosanctus Inferi's Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation (what a title :lol: ) is killer black death, definitely loving this.
Psalms sucks balls in the face of Chapters of Repugnance. Good list VelociBrad, but I don't think even I could make a top 10, as there are way too many quality death metal and black/death metal demos and albums coming out this year.
Might as well throw Brutally Deceased - Dead Lovers' Guide onto the list. It's great Dismember worship (if you are into Dismember - check it out).