Death Metal

Long thread and a good one...Couldn't read all of it but here are a few of the last albums that I thought kicked ass.

Illdisposed - Burn Me Wicked
God Dethroned- Toxic Touch

Septic Flesh- Communion ripped me apart especially the song *Sangreal but the rest of the album didn't really live up to that song unfortunately.

Nonexistence- Nihl
Although not really Death Metal is one of the darkest soundscapes ever to meet my Ipod...
This blurb made me laugh:

Canadian Death Metal lunatics KATAKLYSM strike back with a tremendous deathlead-assault and overrun their supporters with an extreme venomenous sound-mixture, which is strongly oriented on the band‘s roots. „Heaven‘s Venom“ is the title of the brandnew killer-opus, which impresses with razorblade-like guitars cutting through your fles...h, massive bolts of bass chopping your head and ripping multiplex-rhythm. After almost 20 years of bandhistory, frontman Maurizio Iacono and his companions once again illustrate their individual „Northern Hyperblast“-style, which kills in a modern and uninhibited way. KATAKLYSM are and will always be a guarantor for sophisticated death metal, that is moshing through the pits of the earth. Get your neck broken at the KATAKLYSM shows at METALFEST 2011!

I can't wait to hear some of that multiplex rhythm!