Death Metal

Definitely OSDM. Vicious, doomy New York style stuff. Easily rivals early Incantation and Immolation.

It's really good, but I disagree with it rivalling those. I think the vocals are too over the top sometimes.

Thanks for posting that link though, I had no idea it was being reissued and I've been looking for it for a reasonable price for a while.
But it's The fucking Chasm, so obviously it's still going to rule. They've yet to release a bad album so I can't see this one being bad just because it's instrumental. One of the best tracks on their last album was instrumental.
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quite a lot, but i'm a fucking nerd

Why? What is so important about vocals in death metal that means the music becomes pointless without them? There's so many generic growlers these days that add absolutely nothing to the music and seem to be only there because they feel they need to have vocals.

Corchado's vocals have been on the decline, with Farseeing featuring his worst performance yet so it makes sense to make an instrumental album rather than putting in a mediocre vocal performance just for the sake of it.
Vocals are one of the main reasons I listen to death metal. Feels completely empty and devoid of worth without them, to me anyway. And to be fair, I've never been a huge fan of The Chasm. Don't think I've yet listened to an album in full, so I can't tell you jack shit about their discography, or the quality of any of their releases into relation to each other.
I think you'd like Procession to the Infraworld most:

I also love extreme vocals, but there are so many dull and uninspired vocals performances these days that instrumental death metal sounds fine to me.
I'll have to check them out more. Turns out I actually own Deathcult and Procreation. Will have to spin them soon.