Death Metal

The only death metal I've ever cared about - I've been out of the loop in this regard for years, being cooped up in the bm underground - has been old USDM and the old, crusty (in both senses) Swedish shit, not to mention old Brit grind.

Only old school is real.

So, what's some great, classic death metal that's been released these middle years of this decade? I've seen Colossal Titan Strife, Mithras, and Demiurge tossed around alot. Make me a list. I love lists.
I like lists are some of my choices for amazing death metal from around the last few years...none of them SOUND classic (as in, old-school) really with a few exceptions, but they all may well be future classics (to me and plenty of others at least...):

Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife
Pavor - Furioso
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Mithras - Worlds Beyond The Veil
Demiurg - Breath Of The Demiurg
Intestine Baalism - Banquet In The Darkness
Gory Blister - Skymorphosis
Scythe - Decay
Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation
It doesn't have more character than the debut. Don't debate it. Also all your posts here are weird. The new Kronos is crap compared to Colossal Titan Strife, Mithras doesn't have "too many ambient passages" (they do HAVE them, but there's more death metal than there is ambience), etc.

Im not debating. I just found the latter Defeated Sanity album to be more memorable, not saying the first one sucked.

Edit: I didn't listen to the Mithras new album, but the one I have is pretty mid paced. But some songs slay though... I don't know Kronos old stuff either so I can't compare really. But I will check your recomendation.
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium (probably the single most important DM album in the post-2000 era)
Portal - Seepia (and to a lesser extent Outre)
Stargazer - The Scream that Tore the Sky
...and maybe Wayd's - Decadence
Bloodbath-resurrection through carnage,nightmares made flesh
Entombed-serpent saints,when in sodom
Death Breath-stinking up the night,let it stink.
Evocation-tales from the tomb
Repugnant-epitome of darkness
Funebrarum/Interment Split
Demiurg-breath of the demiurg

I have heard half of the new Amon Amarth and was very impressed and if hearing the entire album would add it to the list.
Lucky for me that show is in my town. :D

(wtf btw I just posted that in "The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like", guess I was too slow).
I've been listening to Deceased's Luck of the Corpse quite a bit lately, really fucking heavy album, great drumming also.

AWESOME album...I own it on tape. Great story involving it: my iPod-to-car-tape-player thing was broken at the time so the only music I could listen to driving around to take pictures before prom (and then to the prom itself) with my girlfriend was Luck Of The Corpse (and other tapes, but that was mainly the one we listened to). I don't think I'll ever forget that!
I heard one song from this album recently, and it was pretty good. Even though, they shouldnt be considered death metal anymore, more like death and roll.

I'm with you partially on this...I have that album...and it's pretty sweet...but i think they are still death metal. Then again my knowledge of death metal is far less intense than most people on this thread.
Luck of the Corpse rules. I like earlier Deceased better than latter day Deceased.

I prefere their newer albums actually.

Supernatural Addiction being my favorite. I always thought of Deceased as being a heavier death thrash version iron maiden just heavily into horror movies. The solos and a lot of riffs sound very iron maidenish.