Death Metal

Well,actually in terms of death metal I was alwas into bands like Demilich,later Death,Lykathea aflame,Cynic,Insomnium,Behemoth etc so Bloodbath sounded straight-forward to me.And as I am also into them right now I made this comment:rolleyes: .Whatever,they make good metal,right?
Can you guys recomend some new bands that make old school death metal?I really wanna see the difference to understand death metal better,I will definitely check out "blood red throne".

Just to clarify my comment, I meant that they're not "the only straight-forward & old school death metal now," not that they're not old school Death Metal.
I owned it and there was tons of in flames/gothenburg melodies all over. Dismember really has not been old school death metal since around 92.

Actually, I was thinking that Dismember had toned down a lot on the Maiden influenced guitar melodies that they'd started to sprinkle on their tunes during the late nineties.

I don't hear any Gothenburg influences, save of course you equate all guitar melodies with the "G" town.
I think the melodies have a happy/gothernburg sound and if you are writing a dark old school death metal cd and you throw 'gothenburg' melodies on it that does not make much sense atleast to me. Blakkheim in bloodbath has tons of melodies and they are creepy dark depressing and evil because he's fitting the context of the music.

Dismember is like Ralph Santelo recording power metal solos on the latest deicide and obituary cds.
No I haven't heard the new Behemoth; nor do I care to.

It's been said countless times but Asphyx = :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
So...does anyone want to talk about good death metal in here? Specifically not Behemoth, Nile or Devildriver.

I'll get things started: Immolation's Here in After is an interesting listen. They seemed to have achieved quite a dark and dissonant sound that is similar to though far less developed than Gorguts' Obscura. Having only heard Close to a World Below previously I was not aware the band 'experimented' in such ways.
Listen to Unholy Cult. It's easily their best. I don't know I tried getting into the rest of their catalogue and save for Dawn of Possession don't understand what all the hype is about.
Here in After hasn't clicked with me yet, but I'll keep listening. The drums on CTAWB are too high in the mix, the whole production is shit really and it just sounds needlessly repetitive most of the time.
I may check out some of their other stuff eventually. What I have heard ranges from decent to good but as a whole I don't see the band becoming one of my favorites of the genre.

Also, Darkbliss what have you been listening to recently in terms of Death Metal that you would recommend?