Death Metal

You speak the truth.

Anyway, I've been revisiting a couple of albums, mainly The Chalice of Ages by Deathevokation recently and want MOAR of this style. Anyone got any recommendations?

Hmm, Greg from Paradise Lost's new band...solid, but it just does nothing for me.
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This is a DEATH METAL forum. Not a homoeroticism forum. You are everything that is wrong with America. Focus more on not being a fag and dancing around like a pony who takes it up the ass and wearing knee high socks and expensive haircuts your mother paid for. Go to hell, never speak on this forum again, queer.
Yes, I was just thinking that this thread needed some crabcore.

By the way, your bassist got himself some serious dance moves. Check out his bottom-floor-crab-core-transition-to-shuffle at 0:35. I'm impressed, this band is breaking boundaries.
Blasphemophagher put out a new album like...two days ago. Did anyone notice?!? Wtf!? Haven't heard it yet, but the artwork is impeccable, as always is from them. I'll have to listen to this in the next coming days. Good Italian blackened death.
Blasphemophagher put out a new album like...two days ago. Did anyone notice?!? Wtf!? Haven't heard it yet, but the artwork is impeccable, as always is from them. I'll have to listen to this in the next coming days. Good Italian blackened death.

just checked it out, was pretty good stuff. If only the production was a bit less 'wall-of-sound' like. I don't mean clean & cut but the guitars were a bit off sounding to me. . . maybe I'm just being nit-picky. Forget it:heh:
Not sure but i think none so vile is one of the best dm albums ever.
Here are some more:

Guttural secrete
In Flames (old)