Death Metal

I don't like the mixng on the new Hate Eternal albu, the riffs are hard to make out and it's like a big wall of sound with loud drums and vocals, which makes it difficult to point out a song from it I like. I did like the stuff from I, Monarch and King of All Kings though.
I second the new Unleashed sounding pretty good and the new Hate Eternal not being any good. The former are touring around where I live in October except they're coming in the middle of the week and I'll be off at school so I'll miss them unfortunately. Oh well. Life.
New unleashed album didn't really impress me. I don't think they can ever top their first full length.

So yeah. I am listening to Dark Recollections by Carnage. Awesome stuff. Why didn't anybody recommend me this album before?

Yep, great album. The reissue has some awesome demo tracks on it that kick ass even more than the full length.
New Necrophagist drummer seems good enough. Lets hope he can write though.

New Unleashed, awesome!

Hate Eternal is probably #1 in the boring death metal catagory.

edit: the Unleashed cover looks like it would be a cool tattoo design.
I must say I dislike covers like this.. Some hyper detailed logo just put on black. Dismember also does this. Feck that. But they get +1 point for that shaped cd.
I believe the Faceless would be considered deathcore. I don't remember what they sound like tbh. The Metal Archives calls them Progressive Death Metal...
They're tech death with some metalcore influences but mainly just in the breakdowns and the fact that scene kids like them (shit reason).
I dont know why people dont like the new hate eternal, it has such a good production I mean fuck the drums are triggered to shit but they sound amazing!! Then there are the riffs which sound very violent and chaotic, maybe for some people they are boring but I think the album is very chaotic and brutal.
Which album of A Velvet Creation and Mirrorworlds do you like the most? I´ve been thinking about it and i cant say which. I´d say A Velvet Creation for listening with my headphones in a dark room and Mirrorworlds for the car and for blasting loud in the stereo.