Death Metal

I know this was mentioned briefly before, but I gave Bloody Sign's The 3rd Escape EP a listen today after some time away from it and I'm very impressed by it. Solid old school death metal with abstract riffing added into the mix. All the songs are great, but I find the B side song to be most impressive. If anyone hasn't checked this release out yet, I recommend it.

I woke up this morning to Eucharist - Dissolving playing in my head. I haven't listened to Eucharist in months, thus, I believe this is a sign that Jesus himself wants me to listen to Mirrorworlds today.
Mirrorworlds is better than a velvet creation and Fallen is without a doubt their best song.
A Velvet Creation > Mirrorworlds

Mirrorworlds is basically melodeath, and A Velvet Creation is melodic death metal. I don't like A Velvet Creation better only because it is more aggressive; I think it's better written overall. It's much more interesting.
A Velvet Creation is one of my favourite death metal albums of all time. I've tried listening to Mirrorworlds a number of times, but it just bores me. Go figure. :erk:

Belial-Wisdom of Darkness
Sanguis Imperem- The Stagnation of Centuries (Shameless self promotion!)
Dead Congregation- Graves of the Archangels