You're right Gunhaver. Their style is consistent throughtout all their albums, except "Damnation", of course, which is an excellent album in its own right, even though it is out of character.
I voted for "The Drapery Falls", simply because, for me, it embodies everything that Opeth does so well:
1. You can't deny it's got its
seriously heavy passages
2. It's also well-endowed with the very melodic 70s prog rock episodes
3. It's got that death metal roar
4. It's got great clean vocals too
5. It's NOT a 2:59 radio-oriented choon, so it deosn't end before it's even got started and there's plenty to get your teeth into
6. It's got intelligent lyrics (I'm no Satan-worshipper I
knew how to rebel as a kid)
7. It really rattles my Zimmer frame just the way I like it!
'Scuse me while I wash my neck before the lynch mob arrives.
See I'm behaving, moonlapse